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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/01/05
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  January 5, 2005 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Simon Carr, Al Pryor, Marya Klee.
Apologies:      Cynthia Bagnolo.

1.      Operation:
a.      Costs:  Pete is working on the analysis of our costs and will have this available in time for the open meeting; see below.
b.      Delays in Hauling Full Containers: Al had had trouble with fiber last Sunday, because the container had not been hauled the previous week.  There appears to be some problems with communications between NRRA   and their dispatchers, which we need to resolve.
c.      Incorrect Dumping and Signage:  a load of plastic containers was dumped in the glass container last Sunday.  Al had to spend a significant clearing these out.  This highlights the need for prominent signage.  Al will talk with New Hampshire the Beautiful as we should be able to obtain sufficient free signs from them.

2.      Steve had prepared a report on our work for inclusion in the town report, which was agreed and which he will pass to Dina for inclusion.

3.      Budget for Enclosure/Pole Barn: Marya raised the issue that, as she understood it, the $25,000 that we had asked for was not included in the proposed budget.  Pete will confirm what the situation is with Dick Jones and Barney Brannen.

4.      Reaction to Publicity Sheet:  The committee had received a letter from Mr. Wetherell objecting to the proposed pay-per-throw.  Pete had drafted a reply which was agreed.

5.      NRRA: Liz Bedard had sent a summary of their findings following the site visit last month, together with a package of information on other towns’ charges.  This summary reinforced the lines along which the committee had been working.  Al and Simon will attend the monthly NRRA meeting Wednesday January12th and hoped to be able to take up some of the issues and questions then.

6.      Open Meeting:  It was planned to hold an open meeting Wednesday February 16th at 7.30 p.m.  Pete will confirm that this date is suitable and does not conflict with any other planned meetings.  He will have a financial analysis available for this.  Marya will prepare a demonstration, showing how much volume can be saved by crushing used containers and also what a small amount of material actually has to be trashed rather recycled.  She suggested that we should see if the school pupils could undertake a program showing this in some graphical form.

7.      Pay-per-throw:  
a.      Steve had talked with Nichol’s Hardware, Lyme Country Store and Patty Jenks, who were happy with the basic principles of supplying waste bags and coupons to handle the charging of C&D, tires and other non-MSW waste..  There was a discussion on how charging of items might be broken down.  It was agreed that we can settle the principles once we had determined the charges.  Steve will produce a proposal of charges for the next meeting.
b.      It was agreed that we would provide two sizes of bag, possibly 20gal @ $1.50 and 30/33gal @ $2.50.  The bags would need to be printed so as to be Lyme-specific.  We still needed to locate a supplier
c.      There was a discussion on the possibility of providing some proportion of the bags free.  Pete felt that this was desirable in order to ensure the warrant article was passed.  It was agreed that we could decide this once we had feedback from the open meeting.

8.      Plans:  Simon had prepared some simple sketches showing the possibility for a 100ft x 50ft pole barn between the garage fuel silo and the set-back from High Street.  This would enable a 6-bay barn, which would accommodate the six containers of up to 40ft length we currently use, with space behind the shorter containers for storing CFC-holding units.  The packer would then have to be sited on the front setback.  He also showed a possible method of providing higher-level walkways between containers to give the public safe access.

9.      Next meetings:  The next meeting will be Wednesday January 19th 2005 11.00 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy.  To accommodate vacations, the following meeting will be Wednesday 9th February 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy.