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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/04/06
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  April 6, 2005 11:00 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Simon Carr.
Apologies:      Marya Klee, Cynthia Bognolo, Al Pryor.

1.      Selectboard Meeting:  Steve and Simon had attended the meeting.  The following items were discussed and, where indicated, approved:
a.      Bio-degradable bags would not be used; they are more expensive and do not degrade in landfill.  Approved.
b.      Bags will be sold in packets of 10 @ $10/pack for 16-gallon bags, $20/pack for 33 gallon bags. Approved.
c.      Bags can be stored in Lyme jail and LCS.  
d.      The Bag Company, Greenfield MA has quoted $95/1000 for 16gal bags and $154/1000 for 33gal bags.  Purchase of 40,000 bags (estimated year’s supply) approved.
e.      Sale of Bags:  LCS and Nichols had agreed to sell the bags at $0.20 per pack. Approved.  However, although Steve has talked to Tony jr. at LCS he also needs to talk to the remaining owners.
f.      Fencing & Pole Barn:  Steve had contacted local contractors.  Ray Clark was not interested, Bucky Olsen and Wayne Pike had expressed interest but had not yet responded.  Steve would also approach specialist fencing contractors direct.
g.      C&D and bulky items:  Fee schedule was approved.  It was suggested that coupons should be clipped for payment.  The committee needed to re-visit the issue of plastic wrap for hay, as there was some uncertainty about other commercial users.
h.      The town’s welfare office will be given a supply of bags to distribute as necessary.  Approved.

2.      Implementation:  We are planning for implementation, ideally, by the beginning of June and, absolutely, no later than the first weekend in July.  All the changes will be implemented in one go.  The issues to be addressed are:

a.      Brochure:  Pete has prepared a draft, which was reviewed, together with the wrapper for the pack of bags.  We needed to include scrap metal guidelines and a safety warning for the brochure.  Steve & Simon will check with NRRA for the scrap metal guidelines at next week’s meeting.
b.      Pole Barn/Fencing:  Steve will continue talking with fencing contractors to get prices, which are likely to rise in the near future.
c.      Coupons:  it was planned to ask Nichols and LCS to sell these at the same percentage.  They would be $10 coupons (5 x $2 panels) and would be clipped. Al and Jed would then only have to clip the coupon when taking C&D/bulky items.  It was emphasized that no cash would be handled at the transfer station.  Pete has talked with Patty Jenks who will get some information on credit card sized coupons.

3.      Operation:
a.      Glass dumpster:  This had still been replaced with a 20cu.yd. one after the most recent haul, despite telling Al.  It was essential that it be replaced by a 30yd. both for safety of users and to cut down the number of hauls.
b.      Commercial users may recycle but they cannot throw trash.  This also applies to farmers; thus there will be no concession for throwing plastic hay bale wrapping.
c.      We have to stress that once the new system is implemented that all trash/C&D/bulky items must be thrown only with the appropriate trash bag/coupon.  No coupon: no throw.

4.      Next meeting:  The next meeting will be Wednesday April 20th 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy