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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/06/15
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting -- June 15, 2005

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Blyler, Cynthia Bognolo, Pete MacDonald, Marya Klee,
        Simon Carr, Al Pryor

Fencing update:  Fence is up with small glitch of overlapping gates.  Steve will get chains to use with the padlocks.  Padlocks are being retooled to fit one key.  Keys will be distributed to Al, Highway Garage, Witcher, Empire (fibers/plastic) and Advance (metals).  Steve will try to meet with the next hauls/drivers to give them the keys.

Operations on June 19th:  We will sell bags and coupons and try out controlling access to the fenced area.  Committee members will try to help with the flow of users through the two opened gates (2nd and 3rd from the east).  The C&D gate and metal gate will be opened as necessary.

Propane tanks:  Tanks continue to sneak in which should stop with gates.  Two possible solutions:       
A service that charges $25 plus $5 per canister to pick up.
Pooling with Grantham, Canaan or Enfield – Towns that participate in a $ 1 per canister, 100 piece minimum.  
        Steve will investigate further.

Signs:  Simon has ordered signs from New Hampshire the Beautiful.  Perhaps these can be attached to wire political sign frames for easy placement and storage.

Plastic Gaylords:  Steve is investigating the purchase of 2-3 plastic gaylords from NRRA to help with overloads.

Snow blower:  Steve will pick up the snow blower from Laura McDaniel and store it where indicated in the Highway Garage.  Thank you Laura.


PAYT  Sales: Pete Bleyler reported that June 12 sales totaled $2,429 for 93 packs of large bags, 40 packs of small bags, 13 coupon cards and assorted tires and refrigerators.

Hypothetical Second Opening Day:  Pete B. raised the question of what would be a possible day/time that would fit in Al’s schedule.  Winter (September to June) could be Saturday, 12 to 2:30.  Summer (July and August) could be a weekday 3:30 to 7.  We cannot have a second opening day without a compactor.

Budget:  There is a joint Selectboard/Budget Committee meeting scheduled for evening August 3rd 2005.  We should have a rough budget prepared for that, which will include costing for a compactor, concrete pad, electricity, (water?) and a pole barn.

Next Meeting:  The next Meeting will be Wednesday, July 6th 2005, 10:30 AM at Lyme Center Academy.  (Marya sends her apologies for June 30th through July 30th.)