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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/08/17
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  August 17th, 2005 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Cynthia Bognolo, Marya Klee, Simon Carr.
Apologies:      Al Pryor, Pete Bleyler, Pete MacDonald.

1.      Operation:
a.      Haul Charges:  Simon had not been able to reduce Whitcher’s haul charge.  Pete Bleyler had emailed that the Selectboard had agreed the charge at $300/haul for the packer.
b.      Safety:  
i.      Jan Williams had a fall on steps on Sunday 7th, which Carole Bont notified to the committee by email.  The steps have since been fixed but it was agreed that it was essential that proper access steps be provided for the fibre, containers and glass bins.  We should also consider upgrading of the metal/C&D steps.
ii.     The Safety committee has asked that a member of the Transfer Committee attend their meetings.  Simon agreed to undertake this.  There will be an on-site meeting with Mike Dolan from the state scheduled for Thursday 25th at 9.00 a.m.
iii.    Al had produced some documentation on possible steps and platforms, which he had given to Steve.  Simon will further investigate this and prepare a proposal in time for the 25th meeting.
c.      Staffing:
i.      Steve has advertised on the listserver, but, as yet, had not had any response.
ii.     Steve would continue to produce his job description and we should look at whether this could be combined with the policy document Pete Bleyler had prepared.  One item to be added to the policy document is that staff should be arrive in time to prepare the transfer station for opening and should not open it until the posted opening time.
iii.    We still had a problem with Jed spending time trawling the scrap metal and C&D bins.

2.      Beautification:  
a.      Steve and Cynthia will talk with local residents to determine suitable planting to conceal the transfer station.  
b.      We will arrange for the town to order a 120ft roll of 6ft high green tennis court wind-screening.  The committee will arrange to fix it once it was available.

3.      Roadside Cleaning:  We had been approached by residents on River Road who were undertaking some clearing of bedsprings and tires and had asked what the policy was for disposing of such items.  It was felt that this was an issue for the Selectboard.  The committee’s recommendation was that there should be no exceptions in throwing of bags or disposal of other items and that, if there were such items, we should ask the road crew to collect the items.  They could then be disposed of as part of the town waste.  It was noted there did not appear to be any increase in roadside waste since PPT went into effect.

4.      Next meeting:  The next meeting will be a joint one for all available members with the sSafety Committee on Thursday, August 25th 2005 9:00 a.m. at the transfer station.  The next regular meeting will be Wednesday September 7th  2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy