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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2004/11/10
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  November 10, 2004 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Simon Carr, Cynthia Bagnolo, Marya Klee.
Apologies:      Al Pryor.

1.      Pete and Steve had presented our proposed budget to the Budget Committee.  They were pleased that our planned budget was a reduction on current numbers.  Pete gave a summary of the likely issues with the town budget:  there was likely to be pressure on the town budget, as it was certain that the school budget would be significantly increased.  To cope with this, the Budget Committee was planning to propose a budget with no increase.  The Selectboard were not approving any increase in staffing or hours.  The likely budget for public works (both transfer station and highway department) was $20,000.

2.      Operation:
a.      We should be endeavoring to haul the plastic/tin/aluminum containers and fiber containers at the same time.  This will cut down on our haul costs.  It is acceptable to haul 2/3 full containers.  Steve will discuss this with Al.
b.      North Country Glass, Littleton will be taking the glass at $8.67/ton.  They need the contract to be signed by the Selectboard before we can start hauling.  They have no scales so we have to arrange for a weigh slip.  If Whitcher has to haul the glass container via his depot for weighing he will have to include this in his haul charge.
c.      CFC appliances: It was unclear how many of the CFC appliances we currently had stacked had actually had a disposal fee paid.  Marya undertook to arrange a system for marking those units (and also tires) on which the fee had been paid and discussing this with Al.  It was also suggested that Al should have a float to enable him to take in money and issue receipts efficiently.
d.      We had recently had small propane tanks and automobile batteries abandoned at the transfer station.  We do not have a means of disposing of these; the propane tanks do not seem to be acceptable in the scrap metal and although the automobile batteries are recyclable we do not know who takes these.
e.      Amy Record had recently tipped a lot of C&D out of hours.  The Police chief had talked to the workers on the site that this came from and the committee asked that the Selectboard follow this up with a letter.
f.      Signs: we need prominent signs showing the opening hours and emphasizing that it is a misdemeanor to dump any materials out-of-hours.  Steve thought that it was possible that we could get signs free from NRRA or New Hampshire the Beautiful.  He will investigate this.

3.      We should be looking for a consultant to determine whether we can site a legal transfer station within the current facility.  Steve will check with NRRA on whether they had any suitable names to suggest.

4.      New Hampshire the Beautiful has come up with a grant of $4500 for containers.  This means that we have funds available to hire a consultant.

5.      Marya has undertaken to revamp the existing leaflet summarizing our policies on recyclable materials and setting out the various rules governing the use of the transfer station.

6.      There was a general discussion on the principles of a pay-per-bag operation and how we should be promoting the concept prior to the town meeting.

7.      Pete MacDonald has now returned to Washington D.C. for the winter.
8.      Next meeting:  10:30 a.m. Wednesday 24th November.