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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2004/05/27
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   --  May 27, 2004 5.00p.m.

In Attendance:          Steve Maddock, Simon Carr, Cynthia Bognolo, Al Pryor.  
Apologies:      Peter Bleyler, Marya Klee

1.      NRRA and Northeast Waste Proposals:  Steve had met with the Selectboard and had received their approval to switch our recycling to NRAA.  They had asked to transfer station committee to undertake the details.  Steve had also prepared a comparison between the  NRRA & Northeast Waste, which showed that, even with a more conservative numbers of hauls than NRAA had proposed, we should save at least $13,000 p.a.
a.      We would probably continue with Northeast Waste for trash collection, but Al would investigate the possibility of using a different hauliers with a packer.
b.      However, there was a query with glass, because NRRA’s estimate was that we would only need two hauls a year whereas our experience as that we had 10-12 hauls per year.  Steve would clarify this with Bonnie Koch at NRRA.
c.      We had not previously discussed switching C&D waste to NRRA but it was agreed that we should do so.  However, there was the possibility that we should suspend accepting C&D waste during the highway garage construction.  If we did this, then we should be planning on giving a month’s notice  of suspension.
2.      Transfer Station space during the new highway garage construction period.  The transfer station is very close to the limit of the new facility and the garage committee had raised the question as to whether the transfer station could be consolidated.  With the new arrangements with NRRA we should be losing several containers as the paper & cardboard are consolidated in to one container with the aluminum cans & plastics consolidated in to another.
3.      Northeast Waste had raised the issue of the safety of our existing walkway alongside the C&D container.  Because of the height of new containers we shall require additional steps and walkway to access these.  Al would investigate the availability of movable walkways/steps.  These should be ADA compliant and include kickboards.

4.      Pete had drafted a document outlining the proposed regulations for the use of the transfer station and asked for the committee’s view on this:  
a.      There was concern that making provision for non-residents to have access to the transfer station would upset residents, who felt that they did not have enough space anyway.  However, it was accepted that there were certainly situations in which out-of-town users should be able to use the transfer station and this required further consideration.
b.      There was concern about using 8th graders to monitor transfer station use, even though they would only be noting license plates and it was felt that this was undesirable.

5.      Visits to other Transfer Stations:  Al will contact Franconia to arrange a visit there.

6.      Al had been in contact with A.R.E. Mechanical of Jay, VT regarding handling/ hauling of refrigerant units.  They would treat and haul units in batches of approx 50 for which the typical cost would be $415 as compared to our current charge of $75/unit.  Al had already discussed storing the units with Fred Stearns who was amenable to this.  Al was also investigating the training for him to undertake the refrigerant extraction.

7.      Cynthia produced an example of  Norwich’s new recycling instructions.

8.      Pete MacDonald was due back from Washington D.C. this weekend and should be attending future meetings.

9.      Next meeting:  5.00 Thursday 24th June at Lyme Academy.