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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2004/04/22
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   --  April 22, 2004 5.00p.m.

In Attendance:          Steve Maddock, Simon Carr, Cynthia Bognolo.  
Apologies:      Peter Bleyler, Marya Klee

1.      Ellen Barrett has now resigned from the committee and Cynthia Bognolo has been appointed.
2.      There was a discussion as to whether we could arrange a mileage allowance or some salary provision for Al to enable him to attend meetings and site visits.

3.      NRAA Proposal: Bonnie Koch had provided proposals for using their programs. (currently no electronic copy of this but paper copy provided to Elise Garrity) These comprised:

a.      Paper Recycling : all paper & cardboard products in a single container.  The estimate was for 17 hauls and at that number, we should see a net revenue of $800.
b.      Plastics (#1 & #2) aluminum and/or tin cans in a single container.  Annual cost approximately $2,400
c.      Glass crushing program.  Mixed Glass (any color), also window glass, mirror & ceramics.  Annual cost for two hauls $780.  It was felt that we would probably require more hauls than this (at $250 approx per haul) so this would probably be more costly.  We would also require to purchase or lease a roll-off container.
d.      Scrap metal.  This should show a  net revenue of around $2,800
e.      Tire recycling: Annual cost $1,200 for approximately 500 tires.
        The nett result of these programs would be to show an approximate saving of $20,000 on our recycling costs.

4.      NorthEastern are due to meet with the Selectboard on Wednesday April 28th at 8.30a.m. to discuss our current contract.  Simon will also attend this meeting.

5.      Pete had drafted a document outlining the proposed regulations for the use of the transfer station. (currently no electronic copy of this but paper copy provided to Elise Garrity).  There was a discussion of the dccument:

a.      There was concern that making provision for non-residents to have access to the transfer station would upset residents, who felt that they did not have enough space anyway.  However, it was accepted that there were certainly situations in which out-of-town users should be able to use the transfer station and this required further consideration.
b.      There was concern about using 8th graders to monitor transfer station use, even though they would only be noting license plates.
c.      In addition, we should be considering charging for Construction & Demolition waste, as we are seeing out-of-town contractors hauling waste to the transfer station instead of providing dumpsters on site.

6.      Now that the weather has improved, we should make arrangements to visit other transfer stations.

7.      There was some discussion concerning the retention and storage of the old garage building once the new highway facility had been completed.  It was felt that probably the steel frame would be main component that could be retained.

8.      Next meeting:  Selectboard meeting with NorthEast Waste Services, Wednesday April 28 8.30 a.m.  Next Transfer Station committee meeting will be 5.00 Thursday 27th May at Lyme Academy.