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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2004/09/03
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   --  September 03, 2004 11.00 a.m.

In Attendance:          Steve Maddock, Simon Carr, Marya Klee, Cynthia Bognolo, Peter Bleyler.
Apologies:      Al Pryor

1.      New Hampshire the Beautiful:  We should make a grant application as soon as possible.  The submissision has to be made by the Selectboard and requires a brief summary of our status.  Simon will write this and pass it to Pete Bleyler.

2.      Operation:
a.      Al is still having problems in getting Fred Stearns to come and pack down the fibre container.  Steve and Pete will take the issue up with the Selectboard.  Jed is doing a good job of packing the fibre down by hand, but Al considers that we could use a 40 cu.yd. container.
b.      We are still awaiting a response from Casella on a new MSW contract.
c.      Al has contacted other haulers, but has not yet found anyone suitable.

3.      Surrounding Towns’ Methods: Marya, Steve, Pete MacDonald and Simon gave brief summaries of their findings of the surrounding towns, which Marya will combine into spreadsheets, both for our use and public consumption.

4.      Next meeting:  10:30 a.m. Thursday 15th September.  This is to catch up on the reports of adjoining towns’ facilities.