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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2004/08/26
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   --  August 26, 2004 5.00p.m.

In Attendance:          Steve Maddock, Simon Carr, Marya Klee, Cynthia Bognolo.
        Marghie Seymour: Director, New Hampshire the Beautiful
Apologies:      Peter Bleyler, Al Pryor

1.      Marghie Seymour attended to explain New Hampshire the Beautiful, to discuss our operation and offer advice on possible avenues to consider..
a.      New Hampshire the Beautiful is a private, non-profit organization, set up to support comprehensive recycling initiatives.  It is funded by industrial sources (soft drinks bottlers, brewers and the food industry) opposed to a ‘bottle’ bill.
b.      We discussed the current transfer station operation, together with out hopes as to how we could take it forward.
c.      Marghie considered our current MSW charges from Casella to be extremely high and suggested alternative methods of temporarily attacking the MSW problem.  Barnstead, Chichester, Epsom and Pittsfield have formed a waste co-operative and we might get some information from them.  Pete MacDonald will contact them.
d.      We should consider whether we could combine with any other towns to create a more efficient operation.  NHtB will only consider assistance within NH.
e.      We need to consider how we will publicize our plans.  Al has already produced and distributed copies of the NRAA video on pay-per-bag schemes. We should get hold of the PGA video from NRAA as well.
f.      We need to purchase three containers. We had one estimate from Atlantic Leasing totalling $14,035, which Marghie considered high and suggested we should try alternative suppliers.  Simon will contact Lovett of Dover to see if we can get a better price.  Marghie considered that she might be able to get a grant authorization of perhaps $3,800.  We should submit a grant application before their next directors’ meeting in September, which is the last of the current financial year.

2.      Operation:
a.      Al is still having problems in getting Fred Stearns to come and pack down the fibre container.  Steve will take the issue up with the Selectboard.
b.      We have formally notified Casella that we are terminating their contract.  Steve has attempted to talk to them regarding a one-year contract for the MSW but has not yet had a response.

3.      Sites:
a.      Steve had talked with Dan Bailey, who has a field at the north end of town, which was the old dump.
b.      He also talked with Bayne Stevenson who had no potential sites to suggest other than the Dan Bailey field but considered this too expensive.
c.      Green Mountain Studios are potentially relinquishing their property.  However, this is appraised at $800,000 and is only 2-1/2 acres so is not a reasonable option.

4.      Simon had received the NRRA minutes of their August meeting and their September agenda.  He suggested that a committee member should attend these meetings.  Pete MacDonald agreed to attend the September one.

5.      Next meeting:  11.00 Friday 3rd September.  This is to catch up on the reports of adjoining towns’ facilities.