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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2003/10/23
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   -- October 23, 2003 4.00p.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Ellen Barrett, Pete MacDonald, Simon Carr

1.      The Peter Dayton site on Route 10 is not up for sale; he is interested in something like a maximum10 year lease.  It was agreed that this was not appropriate given the amount of site preparation required.

2.      It was agreed that we would divide the tasks set for us:
a.      Where is a transfer station to be situated, during construction of the garage?  This is the major priority, especially given the DES notice, referred in item 6.
b.      We propose that a full study be made of how we can achieve a good quality transfer station -- which would certainly have to be located on a new site and that this would encompass best methods of recycling. To this end, we should ask the budget committee to include in 2004 budget an adequate sum of money to enable consultants to produce such a study. This study should be completed in time for a public meeting prior to 2005 Town meeting.

3.      Jimmy Jenks’s pit.
a.      We have authority from the selectmen to get a second appraisal.  This needs to address the issue of rental as well as sales value.  Ellen will talk to Peter Gamble to find a suitable appraiser.
b.      It was unclear whether the site could support a subdivision such as the existing appraisal suggested.  Steve will contact Freda to arrange for a hypothetical question on this to be discussed by the Planning Board.

4.      We need information from the Garage Committee on how long the garage site will be inaccessible and also whether there would be space for the transfer station on completion of the new garage.  Ellen will talk with Judy.
5.      We should give consideration to purchasing (or leasing) a compactor at an early stage.

6.      The Town has received a notice from NH Department of Environmental Services, regarding the fact that we had only made an incomplete permit-by-notification in 1998 and had not followed this up.  They have notified us that we have 60 days to submit a complete permit-by-notification application.

7.      Bill Murphy had registered a strong desire, on behalf of the churches and their churchgoers, that any transfer station solution does not involve only Sunday mornings.  The committee was very conscious of this and is working towards a solution which would permit longer opening hours.
8.      Committee Membership:
a.      Ellen will not be available for November.  
b.      Pete MacDonald will no longer be available for meetings, but will see what he can pursue in Washington and will be in touch by email.
c.      The committee wished to record appreciation of Al’s service

9.      Next meeting: Thursday October 30th 5.00p.m. at Town Offices.