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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2003/10/30
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   -- October 30, 2003 5.00p.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Simon Carr

1.      Peter Bleyler corrected the minutes; the selectmen had approved the committee to obtain two separate appraisals of Jimmy Jenk’s pit.

2.      Garage Committee:
a.      Ellen had contacted Freda as Judy is out of town this week.  The garage committee is hoping to get a bond issue at the town meeting.  If that is approved, because of the time delay in obtaining they bond, they hope to have an advance of $25,000 cash so that they can start construction in June, with a construction period of 14 weeks.
b.      The garage committee is using CCI as consultants, who have prepared two designs.  It appears that they are proceeding on the basis that the transfer station will not be on the garage site.
3.      Steve had raised the possibility of an informal submission on Jimmy Jenks’s pit with Freda and will submit this at the next possible meeting of the Planning Board.

4.      Appraisers: Ellen had information from Ledyard Bank that they use a Mr. Pippin of Gateway Appraisal Service, W.R.J.  Mascoma had used New England Appraisal Service of S. Ryegate for house construction in Lyme.  Simon Carr undertook to contact both in order to determine the cost and set in process the further appraisals of Jimmy Jenks’s pit.  No appraisals would be undertaken until we had notified the Jenks’s.  In lieu of a meeting next week he will report progress by email.

5.      Pete Bleyler will raise the possibility of re-joining NHRRA with the selectboard.  This should then give us access to detailed advice on transfer stations.

6.      With regard to the notice from NH Department of Environmental Services, on our incomplete permit-by-notification in 1998, it was agreed that this was an administrative issue and not part of this committee’s remit.
7.      Next meeting: Thursday November 13th 5.00p.m. at Town Offices.