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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2003/11/13
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   -- 13 November, 2003 5.00p.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Simon Carr, Judy Brotman, Laura Brannen

1.      Judy brought maps of the proposed garage layout, and several documents from the state on Transfer Station Design.

2.      Laura expressed concerns about the lack of a strategic plan that includes all the public works needs and possible site locations. Regardless of the years in which the projects are funded, without an overall plan, in the long run, will the town spend more money and have a potentially inferior outcome.  

a.      Judy and Steve reported that long range strategic discussions and budgeting have never worked in Lyme and that history suggests that one project be taken at a time.
b.      Simon suggested that sharing resources in planning to share a site that water, electricity, required bathroom and office space could be shared by a joint facility, and also expressed similar concern about not addressing the garage and transfer station together.
c.      Judy and the Garage Committee have clearly spent a lot of time maximizing the operations of the Garage given the current property and they feel like there’s no time to deal with all of Lyme’s other issues in a Strategic plan.  The Garage Committee felt they have a clear mandate to address the Garage and not necessarily the Transfer Station.

3.      Last week, Simon reported that the State is now fully award of Lyme’s unpermitted status so we cannot fly under the radar forever.  We don’t know what this means in terms of fines or other punitive actions but this may create more of an imperative for Lime to address the transfer station issues.

4.      We agree that we should prioritize capital expenses and come up with a list of equipment/fencing needs for 2004 to include in the budget for the March meeting.  We’ll start this process at the next meeting.

5.      Steve talked about a meeting on December 11 regarding the Jenk’s pit…

6.      Next meeting: Thursday November 20th 5.00p.m. at Town Offices.