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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2003/09/18
In Attendance:  Ellen Barrett, Laura Brannen, Simon Carr, Steve Maddock, Al Pryor,
Pete MacDonald

Guests:  Judy Brotman, Freda Swan

Questions for Garage Committee –

Is there space for transfer station?
§       Judy – “Legally?  Probably not because of fencing requirements”.  
ü       We need to confirm that with the permit regs and/or some from the state.

§       Judy – “If we can use the current space, we’ll have to move the big roll-offs (metal, C&D)  moved”

Other options for layout?
§       The committee reviewed the map and the “cutouts” of the garage, sand-pile, salt shed, and transfer station.  On the map, the line for the creek set-back (100 feet), where you can’t have storage of any kind, made the challenges of the property clear
§       The cut-out used for the transfer station was 150X50.  Can that area be changed?  Can we cut into the hillside?

Can the garage be moved?
§       Permitting a garage is also difficult and that space is already permitted so it’s easier and less expense to leave it there.
§       Simon replied and suggested that separating the Transfer Station activities from the Garage makes the garage renovations look artificially less expense.  Judy and Freda confirmed that the cost of both functions on that site but considered jointly, just that the Garage committee was focused on the needs of the garage and not necessarily recycling.

Other options for siting?
§        State shed – not a good location for transfer station since it’s in the middle of the neighborhood but still, town should assess buying property from state…
§       Sandpit:  might be opportunity to rent space from Jimmy Jenks
§       Steve couldn’t find Rod Finley’s plan…  
§       We had brief discussion about all the reasons that town should consider buying these properties but these are issues that we need to take to the Selectman…
ü       Steve, who should follow-up?

Laura spoke with Matt Brown about Northeast Waste doing curbside pick-up.
§       Matt suggested that 25% of the town might not be serviceable
§       Not having curbs, literally, makes it difficult
§       Snow plows covering containers is a huge problem in winter (both of these they have to deal with in Hanover)
§       Concerned about more rural than Hanover and more dirt roads
ü       Still, they need a good map with households and they’ll drive the town.
ü       LB – talk to Fred Sterns about the best road map to use…

Discussion about the costs of recycling
§       Freda did a comprehensive analysis,
§       # Households in Lyme – 825.  (Steve, please confirm LB got that right)
ü       Laura will confirm numbers with Matt Brown and report back to committee

Follow-up on Other Issues

Next meeting:  unknown, recorder had to leave before meeting ended.  Perhaps that next meeting should be at the transfer station to discuss layout options.