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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/09/11
September 11, 2007

Present: Don Metz,  Tish Smith, Freda Swan, Michael Woodard, Simon Carr, Pete Bleyler, Tony Pippin, Patty Jenks, Jay Smith, Judy Brotman,

Absent: Carole Bont, Frank Bowles

Guest~briefly: Dick Jones

Meeting was called to order at 11:30am. Minutes from meeting held September 4, 2007, were approved as submitted.

Frank Bowles sent a model he’d created of the “vision” of the municipal building.  It was very helpful in initiating discussions about where walls should go, who needs what for space etc…(Frank wanted the committee to know that the doors/windows could be repositioned if needed).

As a result of this discussion it was determined:
--It’s not time to fine-tune the office areas just yet,
--We will be circumspect about designing the space to fit the job, not to fit personalities,
--It might be prudent to research further about the job descriptions and current use of the offices.

Tony Pippin made the motion that the town office staff conduct a “foot traffic” count of how many visitors come into the offices and (if possible) what their business is.
Motion was seconded and voted in the affirmative.  Simon will (as Selectman) convey request to staff, with count to start immediately.

Don indicated that the meeting with the Friends of the Lyme Library has been changed to October 9th because of the Columbus Day holiday.

He also reported that the test holes (6) at the Barrowes property have been completed (dug by Derby Mountain Construction, assisted by Alan Greatorex, engineer), with satisfactory results. Septic could be placed on the property closest to the Spitz/Brown boundary.

In a conversation with the abutter living in the former Bean property the possibility of a land-swap was discussed. No further action will be proposed until/if the Barrowes site is selected.

Tish asked if Mr. Barrowes was agreeable to holding the property until March Town Meeting.  Don said the idea was broached but not confirmed one way or the other.

Don has spoken with Tim at Estes and Gallup to get a rough estimate for the construction of the building as per the model currently being considered.  It should be noted that this building, as designed will fit on/with any of the sites currently being considered.
Simon Carr made the motion to schedule a Public Hearing on October 10, 2007 in the Fire House Conference room.  Motion was seconded and voted in the affirmative.

Tich offered some changes to be made to the PR letter which will be circulated as quickly as possible.  Don will incorporate these suggestions and send drafts around for approval.  They will be copied in the Selectmen’s office and placed in public areas for people to have access to.  A more aggressive PR statement will be created once the site and building specs are determined.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday September 18, 2007.

This meeting was adjourned at 12:40, with Patty and Dick Jones leaving to go to the Katz/Rhodes property (newly on the market) on Dartmouth College Highway to see if it would be a viable location to consider.

Respectfully submitted~in Freda’s absence,

Patty Jenks