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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/06/05
June 5, 2007

Present: Don Metz, Frank Bowles, Simon Carr, Tish Smith, Patty Jenks, Mike Woodard
Absent: Freda Swan, Tony Pippin, Pete Bleyler, Tom Hunton
Guest: Jay Smith

1)      This meeting was called to order by Frank Bowles at 11:35 am.
2)      The minutes of public session held May 29, 2007 were approved as submitted.
3)      The possibility of changing the day and time of these meetings was discussed, in an effort to accommodate those folks who have conflicts with the current schedule. It was suggested that Mondays after 2 pm might be better.  All Committee members are asked to contact either Frank or Don to let them know if this change is acceptable as soon as possible.
4)      Don suggested that “outreach” efforts could start soon.  Various organizations will be contacted to arrange a presentation (of sorts) at one of their meetings.
Don will contact the Fire Department, Mike Woodard will contact Lyme Foundation, Tish will contact the Utility Club and Friends of the Lyme Library, and either Don or Frank will contact the School.
5)      Need to develop a strategy for funding and determine community interest for this. We need to remember to discuss the issue of whether or not the town would go along with renting or being a condo owner.  
6)      Mike Woodard has been in touch with Bruce at Armstrong Appraisal Service
regarding an appraisal at the Recreate property.
7)      Don Metz will contact Hank Flickenger who is the new owner of the “Simi Building” to see if he has different plans in mind for the use of the building.
8)      In reference to the properties located at Britton Lane and High Street the pricing out of a footpath from the village was discussed. It was pointed out that although there is interest in providing a footpath to the Britton Lane property it would have to cross a wetland which may make the path not possible.
9)      Need to consider scheduling a public hearing in early July.  
10)     Carole, Simon and Patty will attend the “Right Road” Community Acceptance Workshop sponsored by the Local Government Center on Thursday June 7th.
11)     Next meeting will be at the Fire House on Tuesday June 12, 2007 at 11:30 am.
12)     This meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.

Potential agenda items for future meetings:
--Update on appraisal at Recreate site
--Update on conversations with community clubs and boards
--Strategize about establishing a “viable team”—that is, discussion about regular attendance and involvement by members of team.
Respectfully Submitted,

Patty Jenks, recorder pro tem