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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/07/24
JULY 24, 2007

Present: Freda Swan, Jay Smith, Frank Bowles, Tony Pippin, Tish Smith, Simon Carr, Don Metz, Carole Bont, Mike Woodard

1)      The meeting was called to order at 11:35 AM.
2)      The minutes of July 17 were amended and approved.
3)      Mike and Frank will meet with members of the Lyme Foundation on July 31 at 4:30 PM.
4)      On Wed. the 25th of July, Mike will meet with the appraiser to go through Recreate.
5)      There were four bidders at the Lyme Inn auction.  The bank was the winning bidder so it owns it.  All debts were wiped out except for the Town taxes.  There was then an offer for $700,000.  It will take time for this to follow the necessary steps.  The electric company has shut off the electricity for non-payment of bills leaving the building as a serious fire hazard.  Simon will talk with the Selectmen about this.
6)      Frank explained that he wanted to emphasis to the Planning Board in their Master Plan thinking the importance of the Jenk’s gravel pit to the Town.
7)      Tish told the committee that she had received a suggestion that we should suggest to ListServe that people could group together and ask us to come explain our work to them.  We will follow through on this.
8)      The Committee discussed the meeting with Those Guys.  Following up on a suggestion made then, Frank will write an evaluation of all the sites we considered and criteria used to accept or pass-over.
9)      The Committee went into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3, II (d) after a unanimous roll-call vote to discuss property sales and personal relationships at 12:15 PM. Jay Smith was invited to join the Committee in this session.
10)     The  Committee after a unanimous roll-call vote came out of non-public session at 12:25 PM. There was a unanimous vote to keep the minutes sealed.
11)     The meeting adjourned at 12:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted
Freda Swan