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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/02/06
Town Offices Building Committee
February 6, 2007

Attending: Jane Fant, Dick Jones, Tish Smith, Don Metz, Freda Swan, Carole Bont, Tony Pippin Sr., Mike Woodard (acting chair), Patty Jenks, Geoff Thornton

Absent: Pete Bleyler, Frank Bowles, Tom Hunton

1.      This meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon.
2.      Carole Bont explained the wording of the second Public Hearing notice.  Public Hearing is scheduled for February 15, 2007 at 6:00 pm.
3.      Two warrant articles are planned.  The first addresses the bond article for purchase and building with no specific site designated in the warrant article itself.  The second addresses just the purchase of the land at the Upper Valley Land Trust site.
4.      The committee reviewed comments made at the Public Hearing held January 31, 2007.  It was clarified that perc tests were done at the UVLT property by previous owners and a plan was approved for a three employee septic system.  Coincidentally, the septic system installed at the Tuckaway Timber site is a three person system only.
Freda Swan felt that the opportunity for questions from the floor was presented too soon.  Those attending didn’t have the advantage of hearing the details of the proposal before the negative energies and comments started.  Tish Smith noticed that few people actually viewed the diagrams that were displayed; people were there to talk and express their opinions and not to listen and learn about the proposal.
Freda was distressed over the attitude and actions of members of the Budget Committee at their meeting held following the Public Hearing.
5.      Options: Mike Woodard shared he had spoken at length again with the Lyme Timber representatives about short term leasing until the issue of permanent space can be resolved.  While sympathetic to the issues, the Lyme Timber crew was deeply concerned about what “temporary” means to people in Lyme.  They felt that 25 years might be too long and elected to not pursue this option.
6.      Dick Jones felt it is important at this point to strategize a plan for short term, temporary rental options.  We now know Lyme Timber is not an option.  Carole has investigated the costs associated with office trailers, but where to put them?  The Academy Building is already town owned and spacious enough for at least a portion of the clerical employees, but without a doubt this option would cause a major upset with most of the town.  It was recommended that the Green Mountain Studio building be revisited for temporary offices.  Mike Woodward will follow through with this.
7.      Don Metz mentioned a visit he had with Ray Clark concerning the Recreate property.  Ray is still open to working with the Town if the Town wanted to use this property and has indicated it, too, could be used temporarily.
8.      Carole indicated she’s communicated with a representative of the Alden Inn.
9.      Don Metz made the motion to enter Non-Public session in accordance with RSA:91-A2,II(d), in consideration of the purchase, sale or lease of real property which if discussed in public would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community at 12:40 AM.  Motion was approved by roll call vote.
10.     Motion was made by Freda Swan and seconded by Dick Jones to exit Non-Public session.  Motion was made to keep the minutes of Non-Public Session sealed under RSA 91-A:3,II(d) as divulgence of the information would likely render the proposed action ineffective.  Voted in the affirmative by roll call vote.
11.     Dick Jones made the motion that this committee recommend to the Board of Selectmen to withdraw the proposed bond warrant article, based on the response to the public hearing comments.  Motion passed, seven members voting were in favor, two opposed.
12.     Geoff Thornton asked if we had further need of his services at this time.  Sadly, no and he was thanked most sincerely for the time and efforts he had spent working on this so far.  He should plan on hearing from us in the future!
13.     Carole and Dick agreed that there is no time to establish an alternate warrant before town meeting.  Issues will need to be brought forth under the operating budget.
14.     Freda asked that as long as the warrant article addressing the bond issue has been posted, perhaps there would be a motion that it be passed over.  Carole will investigate the legalities of that.
15.     Mike Woodard asked if we want to alert the UVLT to this latest change in plans?  Freda will call Jeanie McIntyre.
16.     Dick Jones made the motion to approve the minutes of the Pubic Hearing held January 31, 2007.  Freda wants to be listed as a Building Committee member in these minutes.  Minutes were approved noting this adjustment.
17.     Next meeting will be the second Public Hearing slated for February 15th at 6:00 PM.  Set up will be around 5:45, as before.  This is a Board of Selectmen hearing and they will conduct the actual hearing, however the Building Committee will proceed with explanations, recommendations and answering questions.  Mike and Don will lead us through this latest event.
18.     This meeting was adjourned at 1:20 PM.

Patty Jenks, recorder