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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/05/29
May 29, 2007

Present:  Frank Bowles, Don Metz, Freda Swan, Tish Smith, Tom Hunton, Patricia Jenks, Judy Brotman, Peter Bleyler, Mike Woodard.

Guests:  Jay Smith, Rusty Estes, Tim Estes

1)      The meeting was called to order at 11:30 AM.
2)      The minutes of the public session on May 22, 2007 were approved.
3)      Don explained the history of the Committee’s work to the guests.
4)      Discussion of a number of topics followed:
a.      If a second story is built over the vault location presently on the Recreate drawing, it could be possible that it would not have to be handicapped accessible.
b.      The needed space for heat and possible coolant.
c.      A long discussion concerning the existing house and its best use and location.  Support was growing for an accessory use.
d.      There was updated discussion concerning the possibility that the State would require the library to be in the school and how the Town would react to that.
5)      The meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Freda Swan