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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2006/11/13
Town Offices Building Committee
November 13, 2006
Present:   Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Frank Bowles, Don Metz, Tish Smith, Patty Jenks, Dick Jones, Tony Pippin, Sr., Freda Swan, Michael Woodard, Acting Chair, and Architect Geoffrey Thornton.
Absent:  Chair Peter Bleyler, Jane Fant and Tom Hunton.
Michael Woodard made a motion to enter Non-Public session in accordance with RSA:91-A2,II(d), in consideration of the purchase, sale or lease of real property which if discussed in public would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community at 11:36 AM. Motion was seconded by Dick Jones and approved unanimously by roll call vote.
Freda Swan made a motion, seconded by Frank Bowles, to exit Non-Public session at 12:25 PM.  Michael Woodard made a motion to keep the minutes of Non-Public Session sealed under RSA 91-A:3,II(d) as divulgence of the information would likely render the proposed action ineffective. Voted in the affirmative by roll call vote.
Dick made a motion to go forward and do the following:
Investigate the possibility of placing the Town offices on the land owned by the Upper Valley Land Trust; and, in the alternative,
Investigate the possibility of building a new library on the school district and/or “little” common property, and to renovate the present Converse Free Library to make that building into Town Offices.
Frank Bowles seconded that motion and was voted in the affirmative.
Freda Swan made a motion to find a place to locate the town offices temporarily for the next year or so until a suitable building site with plans can be approved by a future town meeting and developed.  The motion was seconded by Dick Jones and voted in the affirmative.
The committee wishes to extend a thank you to David and Lindy Mather for allowing us to consider their property as a potential site for town offices.  We sadly regret that their property has been removed from our consideration.
Tish Smith made a motion to re-enter nonpublic session at 12:35 PM in accordance with RSA:91-A2,II(d), in consideration of the purchase, sale or lease of real property which if discussed in public would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community at 11:36 AM. Motion was seconded by Dick Jones and approved unanimously by roll call vote.
Freda Swan made a motion, seconded by Frank Bowles, to exit Non-Public session at 12:45 PM.  Michael Woodard made a motion to keep the minutes of Non-Public Session sealed under RSA 91-A:3,II(d) as divulgence of the information would likely render the proposed action ineffective. Voted unanimously in the affirmative by roll call vote.
Dick Jones made a motion to have Geoffrey Thornton finish the conceptual drawings obtain a more accurate building cost estimate.  Frank Bowles seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in the affirmative.
Mike Woodard made a motion to adjourn at 12:50 PM.  The next meeting is next Monday, November 20, 2006, at 11:30 AM in the Lyme Fire Station Training Room.
Carole Bont