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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2006/04/10
Field Visit to Lyme Timber 4/17 11:30
Town Offices Building Committee
April 10, 2006

Attending: Pete Bleyler, Patty Jenks, Town Clerk, Carole A. Bont, Administrative Assistant,
Tish Smith, Dick Jones, Tom Hunton, Tony Pippin, Don Metz, Jane Fant

Guests: Geoff Thornton

Pete called the meeting to order at 11:30 am.

1.      Geoff Thornton spoke about his opinions of the Newbury, NH Municipal Building visited on a previous field trip.  He presented revised plans for a new building, using the UVLT site as a building point.  These plans represented a slightly reduced building size with smaller conference rooms and a more traffic-flow-friendly layout.  There was a lengthy discussion about various points of this revision and Geoff will take these into consideration for his next presentation.
2.      There is a field trip scheduled at the Lyme Timber Office located behind the Common on Monday April 17, 2006. Committee members should meet at the site at 11:30 and will continue the meeting at the Fire House following the site visit if time allows.
3.      Pete advised that unless he communicates differently, we will continue to meet regularly on Mondays at 11:30 in the Fire House conference room.

Patty Jenks