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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2006/10/10
Town Offices Building Committee
October 10, 2006

Attending:  Mike Woodard, Acting Chair, Selectmen’s Representative Richard (“Dick”) G. Jones, Don Metz, Tish Smith, Carole A. Bont, Administrative Assistant, and Frank Bowles.

Absent:  Chair Peter A. Bleyler, Jane Fant, Thomas Hunton, Town Clerk Patty Jenks, Tony Pippin, Sr., and Freda T. Swan.

Guests:  Architect Geoffry Thornton, Police Chief Pauline Field, Selectmen’s Clerk/Assessing Assistant Elise Garrity, Selectmen’s Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina DH Cutting.

Michael Woodard called this meeting to order at 11:37 am.

1.      Approval of Minutes.  The Committee voted to approve the minutes with minor typographical corrections proposed by Dick Jones.

2.      Public Meeting Reaction.  Michael Woodard, Chair, asked for the reaction of the committee to the public meeting.

a.      Requirement that we develop some kind of a trail to tie-in the proposed site with the common area of downtown Lyme:  Members were surprised at the amount of discussion that came up about developing a footpath to tie in the Tuckaway Timber location with the downtown Lyme Common area.
b.      The high cost of the proposed project:  Members were also surprised at the lack of discussion about the high cost of the proposed project.  Although the subject did not come up during the meeting itself, the high cost of the project was the primary topic of informal conversation of the attendees of the meeting after the presentation was completed.  The comments were that the cost was just too high.
c.      Reaction to Choice of Tuckaway Timber vs. Lyme Timber:  It was the consensus of the people at the public meeting was they accepted the Tuckaway Timber site as opposed to the Lyme Timber Site on the back of the Lyme Common based on thorough explanations given at the public meeting.
d.      Request that new building be a “Green Building”:  Richard Jones expressed concern about the strong expressed desire of the meeting attendees that the new building be a “green building”.  The present new wood boilers in the new highway garage installed with the intention of making that building “green” have proved to be a “maintenance nightmare.”  Geoffrey Thornton explained that there are “many shades of green.”  He enumerated a number of “green steps that could be taken to make the building relatively “green”:
i.      Insulation is most important factor in making a building “green”.
ii.     There is a 30% savings in heat realized by using triple-glaze window-glass, however, a cost-benefit analysis must be made as the cost of triple-glaze windows is three times as high as regular windows.
iii.    Explore the costs and benefits of radiant heat.
iv.     Explore the costs and benefits of propane heat versus pellet boilers.
e.      General Comments:  Tish Smith indicated that she had received a number of positive comments about how the committee had done its homework.
f.      Are we doing this too quickly?  The committee discussed David Roby’s comment that we were moving too quickly and that just waiting for Nichols’ Hardware store made more sense.  The committee felt strongly that it has been working on this problem for a very long time – at least six years or more, albeit as the task of an earlier predecessor committee.
g.      Scheduling the necessary meetings to get a signed Purchase & Sales Agreement :  Freda Swan offered to ask the Selectmen to go through the steps necessary to have the Board of Selectmen sign papers for a Purchase & Sale Agreement to purchase Tuckaway Timber.  The Committee voted unanimously to do this.  Richard G. Jones, Selectman, abstained as he is a member of the Board of Selectmen before whom this request will come.
h.      Who needs to vote to recommend that the Board of Selectmen to sign a Purchase & Sale Agreeement?  In March of 2006 the Town Meeting voted to adopt RSA 41:14-a by approving Article 14, authorizing the Board of Selectmen to purchase property without going to town meeting.  This is to be done after first submitting it to the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission for review and recommendation.  The Board of Selectmen shall hold two public hearings at least 10, but not more than 14 days apart on the proposed acquisition.  The Selectmen’s vote shall take place no sooner than 7 days and not later than 14 days after the second public hearing, provided that we do not receive a written petition of 50 registered voters or more prior to the Selectmen’s vote, requesting that the proposed acquisition be inserted as an article in the warrant for town meeting.  Carole will check with the Town Attorney about how this will work.
i.      What does the Planning Board need?  According to Freda Swan, Chair of the Planning Board, The planning board will need a bigger site plan with the wetlands and all of the other overlay districts.  Geoffrey Thornton needs to get those from Victoria Davis, Planning and Zoning Administrator.  The Planning Board needs to make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen.
j.      What is the Planning Board’s schedule?  The planning board meets the second and fourth Thursdays of the month.  Their next meeting is October 16, 20006.  Architect Geoffrey Thornton will prepare a map with the overlays on it for the wetlands and other overlay districts for that Planning Board meeting.  Don Cooke did the overlays for the town and Geoffrey will get these districts from Victoria Davis, Planning & Zoning Administrator.  The Planning Board will point out what the Planning and Zoning issues are.  Like what?  When Earl Strout put in Green Mountain Studios the neighbors were concerned that the headlights of all of the cars coming out of his parking area would shine into their windows all night long, particularly if he was going to be operating at night.
k.      What does the Conservation Commission need?  The Conservation Commission also needs to make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen.  The conservation commission probably needs many of the same things the Planning Board needs.  Dick Jones who is the Selectmen’s Representative to the Conservation Commission is to bring it up with the Conservation Commission. The Conservation Commission will point out what the conservation-related issues are.
l.      What is the Conservation Commission’s schedule?  They meet the first Monday night of every month.  Dick will bring this matter to their attention.  There was discussion of having a joint meeting between the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission to discuss this matter.  Freda will have Vickie discuss this with Lee Larson, Chair of the Conservation Commission.
m.      What happens next?  The Board of Selectmen will review the recommendations and concerns raised by both the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission and decide whether or not to take a municipal exemption.
n.      What is the Budget Committee’s schedule?  See attachment.
o.      How does the size we are proposing compare to Newbury and Grantham?  Carole will check the plans.  Right now we are looking at 5,800 square feet, including the police station.  Is this enough?  How does it compare to Newbury and Grantham?
p.      Carrels versus offices?  We will continue to try to work on what would work best.

3.      After attending the whole first part of the meeting, Dina Cutting and Elise Garrity were assured by Michael Woodard that the proposed layout would not be discussed at this meeting so they left.  Shortly after they left Architect Geoffrey Thornton and Frank Bowles then presented refined drawings for the Tuckaway Timber proposal.  Because the plans will undergo several revisions between now and final one, Michael did not want to recall Dina and Elise to return.

4.      Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:
a.      Dick Jones moved to enter non-public session at about 12:15 PM, according to RSA:91-A2,II(d), in consideration of the purchase, sale or lease of real property which if discussed in public would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community at 11:58AM.  Motion was seconded and approved by roll call vote.
b.      Based on motion made by Dick Jones, and seconded by Patty Jenks, the committee reentered public session at 12:45PM.
c.      Carole Bont made the motion to keep the minutes of non-public session held 10-10-06 sealed under RSA 91-A:3,II(d) as divulgence of the information would likely render the proposed action ineffective. Motion was voted in the affirmative by roll call vote.

5.      Michael Woodard asked who would be willing to go with him to negotiate a price for the Tuckaway Timber property in Pete Bleyler’s absence.  Michael felt it was awkward for him to negotiate with the Mathers alone because they are friends of his and he has a bit of a conflict.  He wants someone else to be present to offset that and to remove the taint of a conflict of interest.  Freda T. Swan offered to go in the event Pete cannot.  Tish offered to be her replacement in the event Freda could not go.  It was felt that Carole Bont should not go because she has a conflict of interest as she wants to work in a new building.

6.      Don Metz said that he would be out of town for a week starting Thursday.  Frank Bowles said he would be out of town for about a week as well.

7.      Meeting was adjourned at 12:48 PM.

Carole A. Bont, recorder
Budget Committee
38 Union Street, P.O. BOX 126
Telephone:  (603)795-4639
FAX:  (603)795-4637
Barney Brannen, Chair


The Budget Committee has a number of meetings scheduled to develop and review the town budget for the tax year 2006 and the school budget for the 2006-2007 school year.  The meetings will be held in the Lyme Fire Station Training Room at 7:00 PM on Wednesday evenings (except where otherwise indicated).  The relevant deadlines and Budget Committee meetings are as follows:

        Wednesday  09/13/2006
1.      Budget Committee sets schedule for meetings and deadlines
2.      Review results from School District for FY 2005-06
3.      Discuss anticipated issues in current budget cycle for Town & School
4.      Appoint potential subcommittees -- e.g. capital expenditure, employee compensation & benefits, school funding

        Tuesday   10/03/2006 (Wednesday night municipal law lecture series)
Budget Committee subcommittees meet, as necessary

        Tuesday   10/10/2006 (Wednesday night municipal law lecture series)
Budget Committee subcommittees meet, as necessary

        Tuesday 10/17/2006
Budget Committee subcommittees meet, as necessary
        Wednesdays      10/4/2006, 10/11/2006, 10/18/2006, at 9:00 AM – 10:00
                (No Budget Committee Meetings)
Any Committee or Department Heads who want to meet with the Board of Selectmen to discuss any budget issues prior to submitting their budget requests should try to meet with the Selectmen during the Selectmen’s meeting times.  Please call ahead to get on the agenda..

        Friday  10/20/2006 at 5:00 PM
                (No Budget Committee Meeting)
Department Heads and Committee Budget Worksheets are due in the Selectmen’s Office so that the Selectmen can prepare a proposed budget for the Budget Committee in time for their 12/06/2006 meeting.

        Wednesday       10/25/2006
Budget Committee meets to review work of subcommittees, as necessary

        Wednesday       11/01/2006
Budget Committee meets to receive presentations on budget requests from Department Heads – Part I

        Wednesday       11/08/2006
Budget Committee meets to receive presentations on budget requests from Department Heads – Part II

(Staff is unavailable for November 15th – 17th due to municipal annual meeting)

        Wednesday       12/6/2006
Board of Selectmen presents the first part of Selectmen's budget to Budget Committee.

        Wednesday       12/13/2006
Board of Selectmen finishes presenting budget (if necessary).

        Wednesday       12/20/2006
Board of Selectmen & Department Heads meet with Budget Committee.  Department Heads get chance for rebuttal to Budget Committee regarding Selectmen’s proposed budget.

        Wednesday       12/27/2006 at 12:30 PM.
(No Budget Committee Meeting)
Selectmen's, Committees’ and Departments’ Annual Reports are due to be put in the Town Report.

        Wednesday       01/03/2007
School Board presents proposed budget to the Budget Committee.

        Wednesday       01/10/2007
School Board finishes presenting proposed budget to the Budget Committee (if necessary).

        Wednesday       01/17/2007
First Public Hearing on Budget Committees proposed school and town budgets.

        Wednesday       01/24/2007
Second Public Hearing on Budget Committees proposed school and town budgets (if necessary).

        Tuesday 02/06/2007 at 5:00 PM.  RSA 39:3
(No Budget Committee Meeting)
Petitioned Warrant Articles are due.

        Tuesday 02/13/2007
Public Hearing for Budget Committee to Recommend Warrant Articles containing Money.

        Tuesday 03/06/2007 at 7:00 PM.
        Little Town Meeting.

        Tuesday 03/13/2007
                Town Meeting
                Voting opens at 7:00 AM.  The business meeting of Town Meeting opens at 9:00 AM.