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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2006/05/22

Town Offices Building Committee
May 22, 2006

Attending: ~Patty Jenks, Town Clerk, Carole A. Bont, Administrative Assistant,
Tish Smith, Michael Woodard, Dick Jones, Tom Hunton, Tony Pippin, Pete Bleyler, Geoff Thornton
Guest: Terry Cook, King Informational Systems Inc

This meeting was called to order at 11:33 am.

Dick Jones made the motion to approve the minutes from May 22, 2006. ~Motion was seconded and minutes were approved by voice vote.

Carole introduced Terry Cook from King Informational Systems Inc. Mr. Cook had done an initial assessment of the current municipal office spaces and its filing system(s) (or lack of).This company was responsible for the updated filing systems at the new Newbury, NH Town Offices and a number of New England municipal, bank, & doctors offices. His estimate for obtaining a comprehensive assessment analysis is about $1500.00.~ He has compiled a list of references and it is on its way, directed to Carole.~ He estimates that turnaround time, upon acceptance of the proposal would be about 90-120 days.~

Mr. Cook was thanked for his informative and detailed presentation and left the meeting about 12:35 pm.

Geoff Thornton presented suggested plans for the retrofit of the Nichols Hardware building. These plans reflect municipal offices housed in the “store” portion of the building with Police housed on the same site, but using a building on that site where one of the accessory outbuildings currently sits next to the Nichols/Diebold property line. In addition, Geoff had done a design for extending the Fire House to relocate the Police Department in a different area of that site. Per usual, there was much discussion about various aspects of these plans.~Geoff expressed his concern that there~might~not be enough parking spaces for the post office, the bank AND the town offices and police station.~
~Michael Woodard reported to the committee that he met with Bruce from Armstrong Appraisal on Friday.~ They walked the UVLT land together.~ Geoffrey Thornton also happened to be driving by and joined them.~ Bruce said he thought he could get the appraisal done by the end of May/beginning of June and report back.

Discussion was held about going into nonpublic session to negotiate the sale price of land, if and when it comes to that.

The committee discussed the possibility of adding to the back of the fire station for the police station.~ The lot is very oddly shaped – long and narrow – like a hockey stick.~ The abutter, Tom Heitzman had indicated a willingness to swap some land so that his traffic could enter from one driveway and exit from another, however, he was very concerned about the aesthetics of the fire station which he does not consider at all attractive at that point.

For the next scheduled meeting (which has been changed to Monday June 5th because of the holiday), Carole will have finished compiling the “survey” results and will have those for distribution.~ Michael will have talked with UVLT about progress made there and another date of Public Hearing regarding this issue will be set.

This meeting was adjourned at 12:55 pm.

Patty Jenks, Recorder~ (with Carole's help~)