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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2005/10/24
Reminder: Next meeting 10/31 at 11:30 in the Fire House
PO Box 342
38 Union Street
Lyme, NH 03768
Phone~795-2535~~~~~~~~ Fax~795-4637
Minutes 10-24-05
11:30 am~ Lyme Fire House Conference Room
Present:~ Peter Bleyler, Don Metz, Michael Woodard, Tony Pippin Sr., Jane Fant, Freda Swan, Patty Jenks, Carole Bont and Tish Smith.
Pete opened the meeting and asked about the results from contacts made to the current owners of suggested site options.
Of the original options presented, the following should not be considered further for one reason or another:
---DHMC-Lyme Office
---United Developmental Services building
---Lyme Timber
---1 Lyme Common (Simi Building)
---Property across from Record Ridge Farm fields off East Thetford Rd.
Options to continue investigating include:
---Ray Clark-Recreate shop site on High Street
---Upper Valley Land Trust site across from the Washburn Hill Rd access on Dartmoutb College Highway
---Tuckaway Timber building off Britton Lane
---Lyme Fire House grounds (assuming a land acquisition and/or adjustment with abutters)
To continue investigations of these potential sites, Mike will contact Jim Jenks and Dave Mather,
Freda will contact representatives from the Upper Valley Land Trust and Don will call Ray Clark.
Carole will bring a copy of the revised Tax Map of the High Street/Fire Station area to the next meeting to aid in determining boundaries and identifying abutters.
It needs to be determined if the town may be encumbered by a mortgage.
Don Metz provided an updated scale drawing of existing operating space vs. what the increased (if any) space should be.~ He’ll check with Chief Field for her opinion about adequate space for the Police Department.
Suggested increases almost doubles each area of operations in the current Town Offices and Conference Room.
Mike Hinsley (Fire Chief) has expressed the need for a power generator for the Fire Station.
Carole presented the findings from the Indoor Air Quality Inspection Report which was finally received.~ Findings support staff concerns that air quality in the current Town Office spaces is contributing to allergy and general health maladies. Some issues identified included increased mold and dust and a lower oxygen level when the offices contain an increased number of people.
The following suggestions were made:
--Evaluate and obtain a “bench-mark” figure for the expansion and reconfiguring of the Fire Station site.~
--Compare this cost to other sites.
--Address the water issues at the Fire Station.
--In order for committee to make an informed decision about site and needs we need to compile all information.
--Examples of other contemporary municipal buildings of similar size should be researched and we should find out what the building costs were.~ (ex: $150.00 - $175.00/sq.ft.)
--Make a budget request for $10,000.00 feasibility study for Town Meeting 2006.
This meeting was adjourned at 12:40 pm.
Patty Jenks (with Carole Bont’s help)