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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2005/09/26
Reminder: Next meeting 10/3
PO Box 342
38 Union Street
Lyme, NH 03768
Phone~795-2535~~~~~~~~ Fax~795-4637
Minutes 9-26-05
11:30 am~ Lyme Fire House Conference Room
Present:~ Peter Bleyler, Carole Bont, Don Metz, Michael Woodard, Tony Pippin Sr., Tish Smith, Jane Fant, Freda Swan and Patty Jenks. Chief Pauline Field joined the meeting for a short time.
Pete Bleyler opened the meeting and asked Carole Bont for an overview as to the circumstances in the current Town Office space.
The situation as it is now and has been for several years involves in part:
--Extremely limited storage space which is getting worse as each year passes,
--Significant safety issues (inability to circumvent irate customers or dangerous situations—ie:fire)
--Staff issues (too many people working in a very constricted space-compounded when customers are present)
--Privacy-with a couple of exceptions, there are few places to have a confidential conversation or conduct private transactions.
Pauline was asked to indicate her concerns about current working space for the Police Department.~ Those equaled the above and also included the lack of a secure space for holding evidence and no secure area for garaging the cruisers.
Michael Woodard indicated that 3 or 4 years ago, when the Chaffee house was for sale, there was a committee formed to evaluate the same issues that bring us here today.~ There was a significant amount of research done at that time, and it was his suggestion that those materials be unearthed and reviewed, comparing those needs to what we see as our needs now and in the future.
Pete Bleyer was appointed as Chairman and Patty Jenks agreed to be recorder for this committee.
Meetings will be held on a weekly basis, unless otherwise decided and the next meeting will be held on Monday October 3rd at 11:30 am in the Fire House Conference Room.~ Bring your lunch!
Patty Jenks