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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2005/10/03
Reminder: Next meeting 10/17
PO Box 342
38 Union Street
Lyme, NH 03768
Phone~795-2535~~~~~~~~ Fax~795-4637
Minutes 10-03-05
11:30 am~ Lyme Fire House Conference Room
Present:~ Peter Bleyler, Carole Bont, Don Metz, Michael Woodard, Tony Pippin Sr., Tish Smith, Jane Fant, and Patty Jenks. ~Freda was unable to attend this meeting.
Pete Bleyler opened the meeting and briefly discussed what strategies were effective in “marketing” the transfer station restructure of use and payment(s).~ It was agreed that communication, community input and marketing of proposals are all very important to realizing a positive goal in this quest for more adequate town facilities.
He distributed a checklist to aid in identifying issues; divided into three sections; each section has sub-categories:
A-Develop List of Problems with Existing Spaces
B-Description of Current Situation and Needs
C-Options For Consideration
It was agreed that existing problems be identified and that Safety Committee issues be brought forward to the Facility Committee for including in areas of concerns.
Michael Woodward and Carole Bont distributed historical information from the previous facility search committee.~ This information will be very helpful in determining continued and future needs.
Jane wondered about a traffic counter to assess traffic flow in/out of the current town offices.
Mike wondered about obtaining an interior “clicker/counter” to assess the foot traffic into the building. (At the writing of these minutes an outside counter has been installed and manual counts are being kept for foot traffic into the offices).
Conversation focused on current conditions in the offices.~ A major concern is that of restricted space, the risk of fire and subsequent loss of all records and security issues.~
Jane suggested creating a list of all reasons that people come to the town office; Don suggested creating a community outreach posting which identifies existing concerns/conditions, history and potential planning issues and Patty asked Peter about budget issues and how soon this committee needs to present issues to the Budget Committee for 2006 Town Meeting.
Peter suggested that the checklist he created be divided among sub-committees for evaluation and action.
Michael, Carole and Tish will work with Items under Section A.
Don, Jane and Patty will work with Section B; and
Tony, Freda and Pete will work on Section C.
As Monday October 10 is a holiday, and compiling the information for the checklist will take some time, it was agreed that the next meeting will be held Monday October 17th at 11:30 am in the Fire House.~ Sub-Committees will make every effort to have information available for consideration.
This meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.
Patty Jenks