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New Town Offices Committee 2009/05/19
Draft Minutes:  May 19, 2009
Approved:  May 26, 2009

May 19, 2009

Members Present:  Frank Bowles, Don Metz, Jay Smith, Simon Carr, Michael Woodard, Judy Brotman.
Others Present:  Stephen T. Campbell.

The meeting was officially opened at 8:00 am by co-chair Don Metz.

  • The minutes of May 5, 2009 were approved.
Steve asked if the Library should be making any special arrangements for Town Offices moving day?  
  • Monday June 8 is moving day.
  • There will be a large moving truck, which will limit parking in the lot.
  • No other special arrangements should be necessary.
  • The new Town of Lyme sign is completed.  Jim Mason made a beautiful reproduction of the original sign, approximately 3 ft. square.
  • The best location appears to be next to the garage along High Street.
  • A banner should be added with the Town Office and Police Office indicated either at the top or the bottom of the sign.
  • Other signs needed:
  • Pike House, Private Residence
  • Emergency Call Inside
  • Handicap Parking
  • The light bases are in.  
  • Timers should be considered for the lights.  
  • Lighting may be helpful, if not required, for the Lyme sign.
  • Plantings are being installed.
  • The hedge donated by the Utility Club is in.  Simon will send a formal thank you letter.
  • The two lilac bushes donated by Barbara Stern are in at the police department entrance walk.  Don will send a formal thank you letter.
  • Two 15 ft. elm trees will be donated by NH The Beautiful, and delivered later (probably June).
  • The meeting room chairs have been delivered and are “in storage” at the new town office building (including the chairs for the Library).
  • All but one of the White Boards and Tack Boards are up.
  • Locks and keys are a bit of an issue, but Dona and Frank are working to straighten out the problems.  Once the requirements are known, the specifics of the “fix” can be addressed.
  • The current Library custodian has been hired by the Board of Selectmen to care for the new town offices building.
  • The last piece of furniture has been completed – with special thanks to Frank for all his donated expertise, skill and time.
  • The phones are working.  
  • The police department has DSL.
  • The “cover box” has been made to protect the outdoor installation of the phone junction box equipment.
  • The table tops still need to be finalized.  Frank will attend to this today.
  • Patty and Dina are organizing the Opening Celebration – scheduled for Tuesday, June 23rd, from 4-7 pm.
  • Mike will contact Harper again, attempting to finalize that aspect of the project.
  • Striping of the newly paved parking lot will be done by Don and Frank as a temporary striping.  Next year, after the final finish paving is done, permanent striping will be done.  (The Library has a handicap template form that can be used for the handicap parking spaces.)
  • Parking lot lights still have to be finalized, but conduit has been laid.
  • Some funds may remain in the project for additional landscaping.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 am.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ JLSB
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, June 2nd,  at 8 am, at the new town offices conference room!
        (There will be no meeting next week.)