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EDC Minutes 11/12/13
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Economic Development Commission

Minutes of Meeting— November 12, 2013

The Hudson Economic Development Commission met at the Hudson Town Hall, 78 Main Street.  At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Donald Garcia called the meeting to order.

Members Present:  Donald Garcia, Christopher Tibbals, Tom Davis, Sarah Cressy, Michael DiBona, Hugh Gardner, Matt Tucker
Others Present: Michele Ciccolo – Community Development Director, Kerin Shea – Community & Economic Development Assistant
Members Not Present:  Tony Loureiro, William Sullivan
Hand-outs:  EDC FY15 Budget, Master Plan DRAFT Economic Development Chapter, Benderson Development letter dated 11/8/14 & accompanying maps, Community Development Memo dated 11/12/13

FY15 Budget

Our budget remains the same as previous years on the usual line items.  But we have two one-time budget requests for this year.

  • EDSAT - EDSAT, standing for “Economic Development Self-Assessment Tool” done through Northeastern University, Dukakis Center for Urban & Regional Policy, facilitates focused planning and evaluation of a community’s economic development needs.  Hudson’s capacity for economic development will be explored in detail through ten assessment categories to better understand our strengths and weaknesses, assets and strategic benefits. The process includes the participation of public officials, community leaders, municipal staff, and others.  At the end of the project, the community can expect to develop implementable strategies with short term and long term objectives to help move us forward on economic development priorities.  This is essential to Hudson at this unique juncture because of the recent loss of Intel employment and more than 5 large properties up for sale in the Downtown.  EDSAT will enable us to bring in renowned professor Barry Bluestone to facilitate this in depth evaluation and help us position Hudson to attract new businesses to fill the gaps created by the recent changes in our community.
  • Advertising & Marketing - This one-time increase covers advertising and marketing efforts made by the Economic Development Commission.  With the Intel Fab2 closing, this year we are looking to develop printed/online marketing materials to promote the advantage of doing business in Hudson, and to assist in the attraction of tenants to the Intel site, as well as other properties in transition around town.  
Matt Tucker, seconded by Mike DiBona, made a motion to accept the budget.

Vote: 7-0-0.

Conflict of Interest Training

Ms. Shea reminded everyone to complete their COI training by December 13, 2013.  Members who had not emailed an acknowledgement of receipt of the revised COI law signed physical receipt forms.


  • Route 85/Washington Street – The overall response to the project has been a positive one.  Most people seem to like the new roundabout.  The project is not complete & there are still many small punch-list items that need to be installed, such as signage.  Mr. Tucker noted the missing “No Left” out of McDonald’s.  Ms. Cressy noted that many Main Street businesses have complained about lost revenue due to the construction.  Mr. Davis recalled the NStar Gas construction that tied up the rotary.
  • Washington St Bridge – Building upon the discussion of lost revenue from Rte 85 construction, Mr. Tucker asked, “How do we let people know that all businesses are open [during bridge construction]?”  Ms. Cressy said that businesses needed to advertise.  Mr. Garcia mentioned incentives for customers.  Mr. Davis said that the Town & Downtown businesses needed to promote walking, etc.  Ms. Ciccolo reminded members about their increased advertising line item in the budget.  This could be used for promotions, events, single day mini-parklets in parking spaces, etc. Ms. Cressy suggested possibly working with the Recreation Department for summer concerts in the park.  Mr. Garcia suggested we brainstorm this summer.  Ms. Shea noted that MassDOT will hold a 25% design hearing on the bridge, and the EDC can also sponsor its own business forum as well.  Mr. Gardner asked which final design selection was chosen?  Mr. Garcia said that the businesses did not want full closure.  The timing was off & was not as attractive as we had hoped.  Closed construction would still take too long.  So a single lane will be open southbound, with detours northbound.
  • Master Plan – The Economic Development Chapter has been released for public comment today, along with 3 other chapters.  It is available on the Master Plan website, the EDC website & a press release will be sent out.  Comments are due by 2/14/14.

Potential Additional Liquor Licenses

The Town currently has 1 license available.  There were 2 applicants at the recent Selectmen’s meeting: 1) Brothers in Cream, a dessert bar on Main Street, owned by the proprietors of Rail Trail Flatbread & 2) Bonefish Grill, looking to locate up at Highland Commons.  Brothers in Cream was selected to proceed in the application process.  Mr. Garcia said he spoke at the meeting in favor of more licenses in general, not in favor of one applicant over another.  Ms. Ciccolo noted that the entire liquor license process is public.  The Town places an ad in the paper & gives the community notice.  Ms. Cressy said that if we want Highland Commons to be successful, we should be supportive.  Maynard has only 10,000 residents, but they have more restaurants.  With different liquor license regulations, small places like a “Paint & Pour” could be BYOB & be able to give up their license.  

Ms. Ciccolo explained there are many considerations to this issue.  Highland Commons would like 4 all-alcohol licenses & 1 beer/wine license.  For the Town to petition the state for additional licenses, we have to go to Town Meeting first.  Should the Town ask for more than 5?  Should we impose site restrictions on where they will be allowed?  Do we need a public forum or are resident-voted warrant articles sufficient?  Should we ask for fees or marketing money from Highland Commons?  Perhaps we want to ask for help updating our regulations?  Should new restaurants be required to join the Healthy Dining program?  What other selection criteria should the Town consider?  If our growth pattern is to proceed successfully, we need to give businesses the necessary tools.

Ms. Ciccolo then asked if the EDC would make a recommendation to the Selectmen that they sponsor a warrant article?  Mr. Garcia responded that the Highland Commons request was easier to consider, that it is a contained location.  Other areas of Town are more difficult.  Ms. Ciccolo noted that there are many underutilized parcels in Town.  The Town could have 2 warrant articles – 5 licenses for Highland Commons & _xx_ at-large licenses.  Then we can still put them together into a single request to the state.  Mr. Garcia said the EDC could endorse the request for more licenses, but we would need further outreach to determine how to do so.  Ms. Ciccolo said that the articles can be designed however the Town wants.  We can have site specific licenses or at-large licenses, or even a combination of the two.  Since we need Town Meeting action to petition the state, who should sponsor the article(s)?  The Board of Selectmen is the licensing body.  They can make the final determination regarding how many to ask for.  The warrant deadline is January 30.

Mr. Garcia clarified that the EDC can support the articles but not sponsor them?  When Ms. Ciccolo replied in the affirmative, he agreed that the EDC would do the necessary outreach.  We need to see what the community wants.  The EDC cannot determine how many licenses to ask for.  Ms. Ciccolo suggested a public forum as the means of outreach.

Don Garcia, seconded by Michael DiBona, made a motion to support the Benderson request for the Town to pursue 4 all-alcohol licenses & 1 beer/wine license associated with the Highland Commons site, conditioned upon the understanding
that assistance be provided in terms of local alcohol regulation updating & marketing funds.  The motion also includes to support the request for the Town to pursue additional licenses, if it is determined by the Board of Selectmen to be appropriate for the community.

Vote: 7-0-0, unanimous

Don Garcia, seconded by Matt Tucker, made a motion to support BYOB in its letter to the BOS.

Vote: 7-0-0, unanimous

New Business

Ms. Cressy noted that College Funding Solutions opened at the rotary.  They used to be located in the Yates Law Office.  Great Clips is opening on Washington Street, with a ribbon cutting tomorrow.  Ms. Ciccolo brought up Medusa Brewery, a tap room taking advantage of changes in state regulations.  No liquor license is needed if alcohol is made on premises.  But in the past, only 2 ounce tastings could be served, unless a full restaurant license was obtained.  But the state now allows a full pour with no restaurant license needed.  Medusa will utilize a BYOF (Bring Your Own Food) philosophy, a great idea which will further boost the restaurants in town, especially those in the Downtown.


Sarah Cressy, seconded by Hugh Gardner, made a motion to approve the minutes of May 14, 2013.

Vote: 7-0-0, unanimous


Don Garcia, seconded by Michael DiBona, moved to adjourn at 8:45 PM.