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Last Updated: 2008/5/28
Size: 173K
Last Updated: 2008/5/28
Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
April 16, 2008

6PM     HMLD Building

Present:                Chairman Chris Luchessi, Robert Beck, Peter Liddy, Mary Ryan, Karl Makela, George Sherrill, David White (6:31PM)

Absent:         Richard Bates, Brian Forts, Hal Lane,

Others Present: Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:15PM.

Public Comment

No one from the public addressed the Committee.

Approval of Previous Minutes

Motion by Peter Liddy, seconded by Karl Makela, it was VOTED 4-0 WITH 1 ABSTENTION TO APPROVE THE APRIL 2, 2008 MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. (ABSTAINED: BECK)           

Updates from the Chairman

Chairman Luchessi reported that a PO REQ needs to be included with invoices and forwarded to the Town Accountant.  The Town Manager has agreed to the terms with Graves Engineering and the Committee is waiting for approval from the Town Manager to hire a Traffic Engineering firm.  The recommended consultant can either be hired through KBA or directly by the town.  The Chairman said he had toured the new Franklin, MA Fire Department and spoken with a vendor regarding sample consoles.  

Chairman Luchessi asked Karl Makela to serve as the treasurer for the Public Safety Building project and act as the financial contact with town administrators.


Karl Makela reported that there have been 22 requests for the Project Manager RFP.  Bids will be opened on 4/24/08 at 2PM in the Town Manager’s office.

Architects Report/Discussion

Sel. White arrived at 6:30PM.

Mr. Michael McKeon introduced Mr. Paul McAndrew from Kaestle Boos Associates (KBA).  Mr. McAndrew will serve as the Project Architect.

The Committee reviewed current action items.

KBA has met with the Chiefs to review schematic design changes.  KBA is working on incorporating these functional changes into the plans.  The only change to the building footprint will be to bring the main entry stairs into the facility.  Discussion of schematic design is ongoing.

The committee reviewed a schedule of the permitting process.  Graves Engineering has recommended meeting with railroad officials to review the site plan.  Mr. McKeon added that monitoring should occur during the Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan (SWPPP) permit process.  This monitoring is not included in the KBA fee.  Sel. White commented that there were problems with SWPPP at the high school project, specifically with the contractor.  The high school project had no specifications for erosion control in the building plans.  Problems with the SWPPP came under control when Graves Engineering was hired and being daily monitoring of the site.  He added that the DEP wants this type of monitoring and control on a work site.  

Sel. White asked a question regarding the request to make the roof of the existing Fire Station look like the new building roof.  Is this necessary?  Committee needs to be sensitive to the budget that the committee developed.  Saving money in a depressed market does not mean overspending in other areas.  He said he would rather spend money and see energy efficiency additions that are going to save the town money in the long run.  He said that it is important that the Committee must deal with add/alternates in a logical order.  Mr. McKeon assured the Committee that the building process is transparent and every cost estimation or add/alternate will be presented to the Committee for discussion.  Mr. McKeon said that all add/alternates must be included before the contract is awarded.  Any changes after that are change orders are subject to the price when they are made.  The Chairman charged KBA to help keep the committee on track.  Mr. McKeon said that KBA would make every effort to keep the committee aware of things that will negatively affect the balance sheet.  However, an expectation of perfection is not a reality.  Robert Beck commented that the best that the committee can ask for is to be able to make informed decisions.

Chairman Lucchesi commented on the relocation of items in the fire floor footprint to the lower level.  He was concerned about moving the compressor and the ramifications?  Mr. McKeon said that the compressor would not be moved.  Only the Arson Evidence Room will relocate to the lower level.  

Meeting notes from Architect’s Meetings will be forwarded to committee members prior to regular meetings.

Sel. White requested that fixed lighting fixtures be installed with the flagpoles so that the flags can be illuminated at night.

Karl Makela left the meeting at 7PM.

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering representatives will attend the May 7, 2008 meeting.  Geo-thermal heating will be discussed.  This type of heating system was recently added on as an upgrade to the base heating system at the new Watertown, MA Police facility.  Mr. McKeon said that this type of system is a clean heating system with an average payback of 8 ½ years.

New Business

Next meeting will be May 7, 2008.

The Chairman announced he received a letter from a local electrical engineering firm offering their services.  However, KBA will provide all engineering services for the project.  The Town Manager is investigating a method how this local engineer can assist the project in other ways.

Public Comment

No one came forward to address the committee.


Motion by Robert Beck, seconded by Mary Ryan, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE APRIL 16, 2008 MEETING AT 7:19PM.
