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Minutes 01/30/2007
Finance Committee Minutes – 30 January, 2007, Town Hall

Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m.


Finance Committee Members present: Colwell, McKenna, Mead, Ricci, Russo, Sobalvarro

Administrators present: Bragan



The library budget was presented by Ginger Kendall, with a breakout indicating the annualized cost of the new library ($585k – including grade and step changes), the FY07 ‘level service’ cost of $422k (which includes $24.5k appropriated at the last Town Meeting), and the projected annualized FY08 cost of no move (i.e., current library), of $466k, which applies the proposed grade increases.

- The staffing chart was reviewed, and the 3 proposed new hires (Facilities Manager, Assistant Children’s Librarian, and the Library Assistant) were discussed.

- Per Randy Dean, grade increases (although not yet approved) should be carried in the FY08 budget.

- The grade changes impact for step changes is $8400; this number does not include the cost of grade reclassification


Capital Warrant:

Minor changes made to current budget are:

(a)    Change sergeant to $12.5k (from $13k), based on actual calculations

(b)   Change transfer station workers to $20k (from $26k) based on actual hours

(c)    Move COA extra hours to Selectmen’s’ Budget ($4680)

(d)   Change Pond Committee request to $19k (from $20k) based on revised electricity estimate

(e)    Change School Legal (HTA) to $6k (from $10k), as $4k moved to a separate warrant article.


Omnibus Budget Review:

The proposed override is currently at $1,007,596. This will be changed in the coming week by Tim Bragan to reflect: (a) benefits for new hires; (b) change in numbers for library (tbd); (c) COA additional hours to Selectmen’s’ budget; (d) adjustments to small warrant articles; (e) adjustments to the schools ($165k from school to Reserve Fund; $4k from school to legal in Selectmen); (e) the actual cost of benefits (90k) for the school’s proposed new hires.


Open Items:

-          FC to obtain breakout for Water Department projects for Cross Street/Fairbanks Street and the 40B; the aggregate number is difficult to separate.

-          Lorraine to confirm if the Library is included in the Town’s new electric rate.


The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.