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Minutes 01/09/2008

January 9, 2008
Lucy B. Wallace
Robert E. Eubank
Timothy A. Clark

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chair, Lucy Wallace in the Town Hall meeting room.

1ST ANNUAL VOLUNTEER FAIR - Tim Clark reported to the Board about the upcoming 1st Annual Volunteer Fair to be held at Volunteer’s Hall at the Harvard Public Library on January 12, 2008 from 12-3pm. He said the fair had around 25 different groups that would be represented. Tim Clark said they are hopeful for a successful turnout.

SMALL GRANT INFORMATION – Tim Clark informed the Board that small grant money has been released from the state. There are several pools that were released as part of the FY08 budget. One is a Self Help Grant for technical assistance which he felt may be available for Town Center Sewer Project. The application date is January 11th which did not give the Board much time to act on it. Tim Clark said the reason for such a quick turnaround date was due to a hold back on money with the changes in government.  February 1st is another deadline for Energy Audits directed toward municipalities. A pre-approval is required so they can determine upcoming budgets for energy and alternative and renewable assistance programs. This would also be a pre-qualification for applying for money for capital improvements. Tim Clark has passed the information onto Harvard Local. Tim Clark also suggests it may be very beneficial to discuss the merits of a full or part time grant writer for grant development work in the future

T0WN CENTER SEWER TASK FORCE -   Tim Clark informed the Board the Task Force had their first meeting Friday January 4th.  He stated only one member was not in attendance but that the meeting was very productive.  He has also met with a few stakeholders such as the churches and general store about their concerns and issues. Tim Clark stated a need to determine if this will be a town initiative or a private betterment district. Also, he stressed the importance of making a decision in the next month or so on what path to choose for town meeting. Decisions such as, a smaller scope proposal, limited service area versus a larger service area. The task force is looking to the Board for further direction and also expressed a need for continued public participation beyond the small sub group.

WEBSITE AND EMAIL – Lucy Wallace notified the Board that email and the town website were down and for people in town to contact the town hall by phone until things are up and running again.

MINUTES – On a Clark/Eubank motion, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of 12/18, as presented.

SELECTMEN BUDGETS – On a Wallace/Eubank motion, the Board voted unanimously to support budgets as submitted. The Board is scheduled to meet with Finance Committee on January 16th to go over budgets.
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small capital purchases for DPW - On a Wallace/Eubank motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve for a small capital purchase outlined below:
1. Ford 550 dump truck w/plow to replace 1997 Chevy dump with plow   = $51,000
2. Transfer Station Compactor Unit = $13,000
3. Waste Oil Heater = $6,000

MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND FACILITY ASSESSMENT -   The Board reviewed the assessment draft and agreed it was an excellent report with much detail.  Lucy Wallace and Robert Eubank complimented Tim Clark on his efforts and the entire Board thanked all who participated. The Board discussed the idea of creating a summary of the report including the major points, general scope and conclusion of the project.
On a Eubank/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to accept the assessment draft conditionally on a shorter abstract of what was presented.

WARRANT FOR THE CAUCUS TO BE HELD ON FEB 2, 2008 FROM 7AM-8PM AT BROMFIELD – On a Wallace/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve and sign the town caucus warrant, as presented.

WARRANT FOR PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 5, 2008 7AM TO 8PM – On a Eubank/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve and sign the presidential primary warrant, as presented.

SENIOR WORK OFF ABATEMENT PROGRAM - On a Eubank/Clark motion, the board voted unanimously to approve the continuation of the senior work off abatement program at a level of $10,000 for calendar year 2008.

EMPLOYER SUPPORT OF THE GUARD AND RESERVE (ESGR) - On a Eubank/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to sign the statement of support with regard to the law concerning town employee’s military service and the town’s active support to the ESGR program.

US ARMY PRIVATE FIRST CLASS JON FARWELL – The Board reviewed, revised and signed a letter to be sent to the Blake Family expressing their concern and appreciation for Jon’s efforts and wishing him a speedy recovery.

APPLE COUNTRY MUSIC TOGETHER TO RENT HAPGOOD ROOM - The Board discussed a request to rent the Hapgood room on an ongoing basis to teach a research-based early childhood music and movement program. Lucy Wallace expressed a concern because the library is supposed to be in closed mode except for accessibility to the Hapgood Room for town boards to meet. The concern is issues that could come up with insurance and the Board of Health due to a larger group of people and consistent weekly use. Robert Eubank also indicated the inability of the Board to make a long term commitment due to the interim basis with ongoing issues in buildings. Tim Bragan informed the Board at this time there is no set policy in place on rental space in Harvard’s municipal buildings. The Board responded by saying they want to act favorably but are not yet ready to do so. Tim Bragan will present the Board with some policies from other communities for further guidance on this issue at their next meeting.
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CDBG GRANT RECIPIENT – EDWARD F. CULVERHOUSE - On a Eubank/Wallace motion, the Board voted unanimously to sign the discharge of mortgage for Edward F. Culverhouse as recorded in the Worcester County Registry of Deeds August 28, 2005.

PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CDBG HOUSING REHABILITAITON GRANT APPLICATION - Tim Bragan informed the Board that the MRPC (Montachusett Regional Planning Commission) is working on a Community Development Block Grant Program including Harvard, Lancaster, Shirley, and Westminster. The commission needs to hold a public hearing by the end of January to solicit citizen comments and input. The Board was asked to change their next Selectmen’s meeting from January 22nd to January 29th to accommodate this hearing and the Board agreed.

AYER ROAD PROJECT – Tim Bragan informed the Board that he spoke with the Ayer DPW Superintendent Mr. Madigan regarding the Ayer Road Project. Mr. Madigan explained that they have the capacity for both but that Ayer is protective of their water supply and he was not sure about the flow capabilities for a sewage system in that area. They discussed the need for an inter-municipal agreement. Tim Bragan has contacted Ayer’s Town Administrator to set up a meeting including chairman of their Board, himself and Tim Clark to further discuss the issue.

2007 ANNUAL TOWN REPORT – Tim Bragan notified the Board that the MMA has recognized Harvard’s 2007 Town Report as the third best report in Category 2
(Pop. 5,000-12,499).

APPOINTMENT – PERSONNEL BOARD -   On a Clark/Eubank motion, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Terry Mead of 163 Littleton Road, to the Personnel Board  with the term expiring in 2009.

***On a Wallace/Eubank motion, the Board voted unanimously by a roll call vote (Eubank – AYE, Clark – AYE, Wallace – AYE) to enter into executive session, as authorized by Chapter 39, Section 23B of the Massachusetts General Laws, at a meeting for which 48 hours notice has been given, for the purpose of discussing personnel issues. Following the executive session, the Board will reconvene into open session, for the sole purpose of adjourning. ***

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.