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June 6, 2011
Memorial Town Hall, 1 Library Street, Georgetown, MA 01833
Ph. (978) 352-5755 amily:Times New Roman;font-size:9pt;color:#000000;">Memorial Town Hall
Third Floor Meeting Room
7:00 PM

Selectmen Present:      C. David Surface, Chairman; Gary Fowler, Clerk; Philip Trapani; Stephen Smith; Stuart M. Egenberg

Others Present: Michael Farrell, Town Administrator; Renee Davis, Powers and Sullivan; Janet Pantano, Administrative Assistant;

Call to Order
Mr. Surface called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
Mr. Surface thanked residents for coming out to the Memorial Day Parade and events and to remember today is 68th Anniversary of D-Day.

Mr. Surface stated that the Warrant is in the office to be signed.
Mr. Surface stated that they have some minutes to approve March 28, April 25, and May 16, 2011.

Mr. Trapani moved to approve the minutes of March 28, 2011.  Mr. Fowler seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to approve the minutes of April 25, 2011.  Mr. Fowler seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to approve the minutes of May 16, 2011.  Mr. Fowler seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Powers & Sullivan-Renee Davis and Romena Whitehouse were present.
Presentation of the 2010 Annual Audit
Ms. Davis went over the reports and explained the audit results to the board and answered questions.
  • Financial Statements
  • Management Letter
  • Federal Award Programs-Grants
Mr. Surface stated that they received the resignation of Stuart M. Egenberg from the Cable Advisory Committee, resignation of Charles M. Waters from the Conservation Commission, and the resignation of Thomas F. Mahlstedt from the Historical Commission.

Mr. Surface stated that they have received a letter of request from Kevin Tighe Fat Belly BBQ to set up and vend their food at the Park & Ride lot.  He stated that the letter was received today and will require more investigation as the lot is State land.

Mr. Surface stated that they have received notice of an Open House on July 12, 2011 from 4PM to 8PM for Jim Boynton who turns 100 years old.

Mr. Surface stated that they have received notice that Mr. Farrell has completed State training in Public Contracting.    

Mr. Surface stated that they have a notice of a Troup 51 Eagle Scout Ceremony for Matthew Hartford on June 11, 2011.  He asked Mr. Egenberg if he could attend the ceremony.

Energy Services Performance Contracts (LINC)
Bob Reddish, Dan Dowell present.  
Mr. Farrell stated that they are not ready to approve the contract but he stated that the board can give Mr. Farrell approval to sign so LINC can start work as soon as possible in the Schools.
Mr. Surface $2.2mil would be the total cost and the work will be performed in 1 year and the work is warranted by them for 1 year minimum.  Mr. Dowell stated that was correct plus they would have the manufactures warranty.  He stated that they will need a web based controller for access to the existing server.  He stated that they will need the board’s permission to access the server.  Mr. Surface stated that the work at the High School will help with accreditation.  He asked about the work at the Pennbrook School.  Mr. Dowell explained what they will be doing will help the environment at the school (lights, air filters).  Mr. Farrell stated that LINC met with the School Committee and the School Committee felt it is best for the School for these items to be fixed at this time.  Mr. Surface stated that the kids need clean air and a safe environment.
Mr. Surface stated that there will be significant work on the wells and some reimbursement from the Enterprise Funds $128K from Water Dept.  Mr. Dowell stated that these changes will pay for them self in 8 years.  Mr. Dowell stated he is working with Wayne Snow on electrical items.  Mr. Fowler asked who would be watching over this project the Energy Committee.  Mr. Farrell stated that the Energy Committee would be keeping track of the work.  Mr. Fowler asked who will monitor the system.  Mr. Dowell stated a DVD will be given for instruction. He stated that they plan for this to be a long term partnership.  Mr. Fowler stated that they are moving to gas instead of oil.  Mr. Dowell stated that they would be moving to gas and that with the gas they have to remove the oil tanks. Mr. Fowler asked about a Town Hall sign in the budget.  Mr. Dowell stated that they are providing the sign at no cost to the Town.  Mr. Smith asked how much work would be done at the Pennbrook School.  Mr. Dowell stated that he would get these figures for him and that most is HVAC at the schools.  Mr. Smith stated that the board should look at the financing.   
Mr. Trapani stated he would give Mr. Farrell approval to sign but would like just to know what is left on the contract to review.  Mr. Farrell stated that finance had some questions and legal is still reviewing.  He stated that he has a 9 point question from bond counsel.  Mr. Surface stated that he is okay with Mr. Farrell signing but if is done close to a regular meeting he would ask that he wait and bring to the board.

Mr. Trapani moved to allow Mr. Farrell to sign the Energy Services Performance Contract with LINC pending review from bond counsel and legal counsel.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion.

Mr. Fowler asked about the amount being different from the amount voted at the ATM.  Mr. Farrell stated that it is okay to be less it can not be more.

The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Amended Chaplin Hills Settlement Agreement
Mr. Farrell stated that the surety has asked for further changes to the agreement and he has a revised agreement for the board to approve.  He stated that the Planning Board will sign on Wednesday at their meeting.  He stated that the changes have been reviewed by our legal counsel and they are minor changes.  Mr. Farrell explained the changes that are being requested.  Mr. Fowler stated that he does not like received changes at the last minute without time to review.  Mr. Surface stated if they approve and if the Planning Board does not sign then the document would not be binding.  He suggested that they do not delay and let the Planning Board vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to approve the amended Chaplin Hills Settlement Agreement as presented.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion.

Mr. Egenberg asked for an update from the board as he is not familiar with the case. Mr. Surface updated Mr. Egenberg on the case.  Mr. Fowler stated that he is not comfortable signing the document without having the time to review.

The motion was approved by a 3-1 vote.  Mr. Egenberg abstained.

Town of Georgetown-2011 Re-Precincting request from the Town Clerk
Mr. Surface asked if anyone had questions on the new precincts.  Mr. Fowler stated that he had some questions on the unnamed driveway and the North Street ends.  The Board reviewed the maps and had questions for the Town Clerk.  Mr. Fowler stated that he would meet with Ms. McGrane, Town Clerk this week and discuss the questions.  Mr. Surface stated they will review and vote at the next meeting.

Mr. Surface stated that in the packet are Performance Review documents for the Police Chief, Fire Chief, and Town Administrator.  He stated that it is their job to do these reviews.  He stated that they are managerial reviews for both Chiefs and a separate review for Mr. Farrell.  Mr. Surface asked for Mr. Farrell to help with the Fire and Police reviews and that they would have a one on one within the next 30-60 days with both Chiefs.  Mr. Trapani stated that the reviews would have to be done in public.  Mr. Smith asked about doing peer reviews.  Mr. Surface stated for this first go around he would like to do as we have and next year look into a different format.  Mr. Trapani stated that they can themselves go out and solicit information from departments.  Mr. Smith asked if a survey could be used to staff and that he does not want to push through too quickly.  Mr. Fowler asked about a rebuttal and stated that he likes to get the staff response.  Mr. Surface stated that no one here is a HR professional and he would like to tread lightly.  He stated that from the feedback members want to go a little deeper with this years review.  Mr. Trapani stated lets walk before we run and he suggested that the board do as they have done in the past and see how it works and see how to incorporate for next year.  Mr. Fowler stated that he agrees for this year with Mr. Trapani.  Mr. Smith asked that the employee give their goals for the year and what have they accomplished in the past year.  Mr. Egenberg stated feedback from the employee is good and a self evaluation.  
Mr. Trapani stated that in the past the board members review of the Town Administrator was collected electronically and then the chair consolidated the information.

Walk the Boundaries
Mr. Fowler stated in the past the Selectmen walked the Town boundaries in the years ending in 05 and 10.  He asked when a walk was last done and he asked if this is still being done.  To be looked into.  

Selectmen Liaisons
Surface stated he met with each board member and came up with committee liaisons for each member.  He went over the list of liaisons.

Gary Fowler
  • Conservation
  • Housing Authority
  • Economic Development-appointed
  • Government Study
Stuart Egenberg
  • Communication/Cable Access
  • CPC-Rec Path
  • Strategic Planning
  • Suggested that he attend FinCom Meetings
Phil Trapani
  • Economic Development-School Building
  • Stategic Planning
  • Affordable Housing
  • Government Study-Veterans
Steve Smith
  • Schools
  • CoA
  • Energy Committee
  • CIP
  • Fire Department
David Surface
  • FinCom
  • Town Departments, Police, Fire, Finance, Inspectional Services, Planning, ZBA, Highway
  • State & Federal Delegation
  • School Building
  • Traffic Committee
Mr. Smith asked for chairs of the committee’s phone or email.  Mr. Trapani stated he has concern on private email being used and stated that we should have a .gov address for each board member.  

Mr. Surface stated that he would like to have from each board member a list of three accomplishments to be completed by next year.  He asked for two short term and one long term goal and to have them for the next meeting.
Mr. Farrell stated that no new financial data for the board tonight but will have at the next meeting.  He stated that he has been working on the LINC proposal.

Mr. Surface stated that they should have a joint meeting with the FinCom on the funds in the Reserve Fund and see what they want to do with these funds maybe add to the Stab fund.  Mr. Farrell stated that the FinCom are meeting June 15th.

Mr. Trapani asked if next week Mr. Farrell would have the impact on the newly adopted Insurance Legislation and its impact to the town.

Request from Evan O’Reilly to be appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals, Associate open expire 6/30/12.
Mr. Trapani moved to appoint to Evan O’Reilly to the Zoning Board of Appeals as an Associate Member term to expire 6/30/12.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Request from Richard L. Williams to be appointed to the Economic Development Committee.
Mr. Surface stated that they would hold off until they have a recommendation of the EDC.

Request from the CATV to appoint Sal Barbagallo and Dan Walsh to the committee term to expire 6/30/12.
Mr. Egenberg moved to appoint Sal Barbagallo and Dan Walsh to the Cable Advisory Commmittee term to expire 6/30/12.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Request from Paul Nelson to be appointed to the CPC as the Affordable Housing Trust member on the board.
Mr. Trapani moved to appoint Paul Nelson to Community Preservation Committee term to expire 6/30/2013.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Annual appointments and re-appointments
Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Christopher Rich as the ADA Coordinator term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Smith moved to reappoint C. David Surface, Philip Trapani and Charles Waters as Affordable Housing Trustees term to expire June 30, 2013.  Mr. Egenberg seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 3-0 vote.  Mr. Surface and Mr. Trapani abstained.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Joseph Crane to the Board of Health term to expire June 30, 2014.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Charles Davis to the Cable Advisory Committee term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to appoint Joshua Nisenbaum to the Capital Improvement Planning Committee term to expire June 30, 2014.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint John Lopez to the Conservation Commission term to expire June 30, 2014.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Jeannine DesJardins, Claire Maimone, Chandler Noyes, and Corona Magner to the Council on Aging term to expire June 30, 2014.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Jean Perley as an Alternate to the Council on Aging term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint James Mulligan as Director, Albert Beardsley and Thomas Dejoy, Assistant Directors, and Peter Durkee, Deborah Rogers, Alfred Depietro to the Emergency Management Team term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Albert Beardsley, Assistant Director and Thomas Dejoy Team Member to the Federal Emergency management Association (FEMA) for Georgetown term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Tillie Evangelista to the Economic Development Committee term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Reginald Tardif, Wayne Snow, and Michael Farrell to the Energy Committee term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to appoint Stephen Smith to the Energy Committee term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Egenberg seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 4-0 vote.  Mr. Smith abstained.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Michael Farrell as the Finance Director term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Albert Beardsley as the Forest Warden term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Mark Anderson, Tyler Dechene, Timothy P. McGuire, Bonnie Silva, Joanne Vallone, Neil Turmenne, Keith D. Deguio, Dean A. Julien, Joanne Ballard, Keith Grant, Jay Martel, Phillip Klibansky, Adam Raymond, and Michael Broderick as Reserve Police Officers term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Keith D. Deguio, Animal Control Officer and Reed Wilson, Assistant Animal Control Officer term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint James Mulligan, Police Chief as a Constable for the Town of Georgetown term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint John Bell (Rock Pond) and Carl Shreder (Pentucket Pond) as the Harbormasters term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani moved to reappoint Kenneth Woodbury, George Comiskey, and Joseph Bouchard as School Crossing Guards term to expire June 30, 2012.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
Monday, June 20, 2011 at 6:00PM Executive Session, Town Hall, 2nd Floor meeting room.
Monday, June 20, 2011 at 7:00PM, Town Hall, 3rd Floor meeting room.

Mr. Trapani stated he will be out for a few weeks at the end of June for Medical leave.

Mr. Smith moved to adjourn.  Mr. Trapani seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15PM

Minutes transcribed by J. Pantano.

Minutes approved July 11, 2011.