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February 7, 2011
         Memorial Town Hall, 1 Library Street, Georgetown, MA 01833
        Ph. (978) 352-5755 z Fax (978) 352-5727
Memorial Town Hall
Third Floor Meeting Room
7:00 PM

Selectmen Present:      Philip Trapani, Chairman; C. David Surface, Clerk; Evan O’Reilly; Gary Fowler; Stephen Smith

Others Present: Michael Farrell, Town Administrator; Janet Pantano, Administrative Assistant;

Call to Order
Mr. Trapani called the meeting to order at 7:05PM.  

Police Chief James Mulligan was honoring Officers, Dispatcher and Citizens who assisted in the arrest of the people involved in the recent bank robbery in town.
Chief Mulligan gave awards to those who were involved in apprehending the bank robbers. Present also was Police Chief Bob Barker of Rowley as his officer Sheri David assisted in helping.
Citizens: Mark Boulanger, Jessie Cote, Scott David, Officer Sheri David
Officers: Sgt. Kevin DeFeo, Det. DeJoy, Det. Rodden, Officer Goddu, Dispatcher Manning
Mr. Trapani thanked all those involved in the apprehension of the suspects.

Board Business
Perley Roof, Pennbrook School, and M/H School
Mr. Trapani stated that public safety members are present to discuss the roof collapse and the process the town went through to secure the Perley School and other buildings.
Discussion actions, current status, precautionary steps, resources to expiate return to school.

Mr. Trapani stated that the BoS act as the CEO’s of the town and are in charge of safety of all residents.  He read a statement.
Mr. Trapani acknowledged those who assisted AJ Aulson, Roofer; Carol Jacobs, Superintendent; Anne Donohue, School Committee and School staff who worked tirelessly; Russ Moyer, Fire Department; David Surface, Selectmen; Jason Mello, Mello Disposal for heavy equipment at Trestle Way; Peter Durkee, Highway Surveyor and crew; Fire Chief Beardsley and Police Chief Mulligan; Debbie Surface, Sandra Trapani, Joy Richards, Jon Metivier, Building Inspector; Sheriff Cousins, and the16 inmates who volunteered to assist, Craig Salgh, Village Pizza; Kevin Buswell, Sports Depot; and Senator Tarr.  He stated that we had unprecedented snow fall this season.  He asked for updates from those involved.

Jon Metivier, Building Inspector; Charles Sacro, Structural Engineer, contracted through MIIA.  
Mr. Metivier explained that they had a roof truss system failure.  He stated that two thirds of the roof is in failure.  Mr. Sacro stated that there was no warning of the collapse because of the concrete roof underneath and that this was a blessing in disguise.  

Carol Jacobs, Anne Donohue, Chief Mulligan, Chief Beardsley updated the board.
Mr. Trapani asked for an update on what transpired from all.  Ms. Jacobs stated that they used Connect Ed to notify parents of the roof collapse and all students were immediately evacuated to the M/H School.  Parents picked there children up at the High School and the process went smoothly.   She stated that the M/H School flat roofs became a first priority and the snow off of the Pennbrook School into the courtyards and blocking the doors and air exchanges was an issue.  She stated that Pennbrook and Perley will open on Wednesday.  She stated that they have been working to see what to do with the 7 classrooms and cafeteria displaced at Perley.  She stated that she will be holding a parent meeting at the M/H School 6PM tomorrow for any parents who want to meet.  She stated that this is not a two week situation they just do not know at this time how long it will take to have the Perley School repaired.  She explained that they have put one Kindergarten class in the Perley Library, one in the technology space, and one in the teacher’s room.  She stated one first grade class is in the music room and the other three will be at Pennbrook in Library and a small space off of that room.  She stated that if this will be a longer process then they may look into portable classrooms.  She stated that Lunch will be in half of the gym with cafeteria food cooked at Pennbrook and transported to Perley.  Mr. Surface asked if they have check with the local Churches.  Carol stated that she is checking with some churches.  Ms. Jacobs asked parents to not believe anything unless it comes from the School Department as there are a lot of rumors out there.  
Police Chief Mulligan stated that Ms. Jacobs nailed it and at the end of day no one was hurt.  
Fire Chief Beardsley stated that this has been a mammoth project and that he has never seen anything like this before.  He stated that the work that has been done is incredible.  
Mr. Trapani stated that the Building Inspector, Structural Engineer, Police and Fire Chiefs had approved the opening of the M/H School and will review the other schools.    Mr. Trapani asked if there was anything the Schools need in assistance from the board.  Ms. Jacobs stated that they need to think of this as a Town issue and the Schools need a point person for maintenance.  She stated that they need to be proactive not reactive on maintenance.  Mr. Wiggin stated that if they do put in portable classrooms they will need to expedite permits.
Russ Moyer and Jon Metivier  
Chief Beardsley and Mr. Trapani stated that they went to Trestle Way over the weekend and saw dangerous snow levels on roofs.  Mr. Trapani stated that they diverted some staff to Trestle way to get snow off roofs.  Chief Beardsley stated that the community building had a lot of snow on the roof, and icing.  He stated that no one would be available until Monday and he felt it was unsafe to wait until Monday.  He stated that Sheriff Cousins sent 16 volunteer inmates to help.  Mr. Surface stated that towns are putting pressure on the State for emergency declaration and funding.  
Mr. Farrell stated that the Emergency Management team is working on a similar Connect Ed program for municipal departments.  
Mr. Metivier stated right now the Town is in good shape but if there is more snow they may need to clear additional buildings. He stated that they also went over to the State buildings on Jewett St and cleared some roofs.  He stated that they cleared some snow off of the Library, and looked at the water department, town hall, and public safety building.  
Chief Beardsley stated Deputy Ricker sent out crews to commercial buildings advising them to look at their roofs.  Mr. Trapani asked if there were any buildings in town that the Fire Department needs to look at further.  Chief Beardsley stated that they have looked at Crosby’s, CVS, and Dunkin Donuts.  He stated that they are still trying to get fire hydrants cleaned he asked residents to help clear hydrants near their homes.
Mr. Fowler stated that the churches may need to be looked at.
Mr. Durkee stated that today they removed 112 thousand lbs from the gym roof and they are only half done.  
Mr. Trapani stated that funding is an issue.  Mr. Farrell stated that Perley school collapse will be covered by our insurance company.  Ms. Gerraughty stated that Mr. Farrell checked with DoR and snow and ice can be used to pay for snow removal at the other buildings.  Mr. Trapani stated that they need funds in free cash to cover the deficit to this account.  Mr. Farrell stated that the town has $847,000 in free cash.  
Mr. Durkee stated that the Snow & Ice is already over by $48,000 and he has bills for another $78,000 with a total of $126,000 and there are additional bills he has not received.  He stated that his department removed snow from the square Friday and Saturday from 8PM to 7AM.  He stated that there has been an unbelievable amount of time his crew has put in since Christmas.   He stated that he may not have a handle on cost until March or April.  
Mr. Trapani stated that they need to get the Emergency Management team together after all of this to discuss flooding.  Mr. Durkee stated that it may be a good idea to get some sandbags through MEMA and ask residents to dig out any catch basins near their property if there is melting.  
Ms. Jacobs stated that it would help to get more resources to plow sidewalks.  
Wayne Snow, Light Department  
Mr. Trapani thanked Mr. Snow for his efforts and that he has been on top of any electrical issues.
Mr. Fowler asked how the roads are at drop off and pick up.  Chief Mulligan stated that there are always issues but no problems.  
Rob Hoover, resident stated that he wanted to thank Mr. Trapani and Mr. Surface for all they have did over the weekend to help get the town and schools cleared of snow and safe.

Executive Session minutes from August 23, 30; September 13; October 18, 25, 2010; and January 10, 24, 2011 to be approved.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Executive Session Minutes of August 23, 2010.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 3-0 vote.  Mr. Trapani and Mr. Smith abstained.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Executive Session Minutes of August 30, 2010.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 4-0 vote.  Mr. Smith abstained.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Executive Session Minutes of September 13, 2010.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 4-0 vote.  Mr. Smith abstained.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Executive Session Minutes of October 18, 2010.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 4-0 vote.  Mr. Smith abstained.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Executive Session Minutes of October 25, 2010.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Executive Session Minutes of January 10, 2011.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.  

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Executive Session Minutes of January 24, 2011.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 4-0 vote.  Mr. Trapani abstained.

Board Business
Mr. Trapani stated that they have a request from YuKanRun to hold a 5-mile run in Georgetown June 4, 2011.  He stated that he had heard from Carol Jacobs that this date is the High School Graduation so the town would not be able to hold the run.

Policy on Stabilization Fund & Policy on Free Cash
Mr. Trapani stated that they would hold these two items for the next meeting.

Selectman’s Report
Public Budget Forum Update
Mr. Trapani stated that the second Public Budget Forum would be held on Saturday, March 5 from 8AM -12PM in M/H School cafeteria.  He stated that at the previous forum they did not get to priority services the town wants to keep but did get to add services.  He stated that we need to find out what can residents live without.

State of the Town Update
Mr. Smith stated that he talked with CATV staff on dates and that they will use the same templates from last year.  He stated that these will be sent out to department heads.  He stated that the timing is important and they need to see if there are other big issues to be discussed before Town Meeting.

Mr. Farrell stated that the ATM Warrant will close in mid March.

Discussion to hold the State of Town in April
Mr. Fowler asked if we could educate the Town on Proposition 2 1/2, deficit spending, etc.  He asked if this could be done at the State of the Town.  Mr. Trapani stated that they can look into asking someone from DoR to come in and give an overview.  

Mr. Trapani asked that the elected officials Sen. Bruce Tarr, Rep. Harriett Stanley, and Rep. James Lyons be invited to the Public Budget Forum on March 5.  

Mr. Farrell stated that he had heard from Rep. Lyons today and he was going to check on any State Aid for the School roof collapse and snow removal.

Mr. Trapani asked that all staff and officials be notified of the Budget Forum on March 5th.  
Town Administrator’s Report
Budget Update
Mr. Farrell stated that he has two transfer requests and explained each.
He stated that one is for the independent review of the Ambulance proposal.  He stated it would be a transfer of $1500 from the reserve fund to the expense line of the Fire Department.  He stated that this is a FinCom transfer from their reserve fund that has a balance of $85,000.
He stated that the second request is for the Federal mandate for a Stormwater Management Permit.  He stated that the work to put this together is beyond the scope of town staff and the committee is working with MVPC.  He stated that there are new requirements; they need a new permit, and an implementation plan.  He stated that the estimated cost for this would be $25,000 to $50,000.  He stated that the MVPC can get us compliant for $9,000.  He stated that the committee is asking for $4,000 from the reserve fund and the BoH will be chipping in $5,000.  Mr. Surface asked if MVPC is helping with the cost.  Mr. Farrell stated that they have helped and will be helping out a lot.

Mr. Surface stated that an independent review is good and asked if they will report to the BoS.  Mr. Farrell stated that they will report to the BoS and he included that requirement in the agreement.  Mr. Surface stated that he is in favor of both transfers.  Mr. O’Reilly asked what is in the review.  Mr. Farrell stated that he will give them the same information that the board received and will have them reviewing if this is a viable service and if there are enough runs to make this work.  He gave some background information on the independent reviewer and Mr. Surface asked for a bio of the reviewer.  Mr. O’Reilly asked for a timeline.  Mr. Farrell stated that the review should take three weeks.

Mr. Surface moved to approve the reserve fund transfer of $1500 for an independent review of the Ambulance proposal.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion.
Mr. O’Reilly asked why this would go into the Fire Department expense account.  Mr. Farrell stated as this was a Fire Department review that was the account they were putting the funds in.   

The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Surface moved to approve the reserve fund transfer of $4,000 for the Stormwater Management Permit with MVPC.  Mr. O’Reilly seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
Mr. Fowler stated that towns are suffering and he is in protest of both but did vote for them both.

Mr. Farrell stated that the Snow & Ice spreadsheet is confusing and there is a two week lag in bills coming in.  He stated that we have spent more of the Snow & Ice Account than all of last year.

Next meeting Monday, February 28, 2011 at 7:00PM.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to adjourn.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM.

Minutes transcribed by J. Pantano.