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Finance Advisory Board Minutes 03/28/2005
Minutes of the Finance and Advisory Board
March 28, 2005

Meeting Called to Order at: 7:06pm
Location: Town Hall -2nd floor meeting room
Members In Attendance: Jim Lacey, Reg Tardif, Walter Clemons, Bob Melideo, Peter Dion, Sandy Gerraughty, Ruth Stewart, Mike Sweat, Robin O’Malley
Also in attendance:  Toni Mertz, Steve Delaney, Don Cudmore, Margaret Messelar, George Moker, Elaine Shuttleworth, Daryl Barta, Larry Borin, Steve Fortado, Debbie Carbone, Jack Moultrie, Peter Sarno, Richard Clough, Paul Thompson
Minutes Taken by: Sandy Gerraughty

Jim set the goal of the meeting to get a handle on the final budget.  The biggest piece to finalize is the school department.

Peter inquired if any progress had been made in general areas
        Whittier came in $9K lower
        Steve D. is talking to MIA and an insurance broker in regards to the health insurance.
        There is a total of $49K extra money left at this point.

Toni and Sandy review school salary spreadsheet that was sent over and came to different conclusions than the school dept.  There was much discussion about this spreadsheet and what the schools are looking for in regards to the salary line item in their budget.

Motion to increase school budget by $397,745 to fund school budget as requested
        Peter moved
        Reggie 2nd
        Yes votes 4) Peter, Mike, Reggie, Ruth
        No votes (3) Sandy, Robin, Jim
        Abstain (1) Bob

Bob Melideo asked for a member that voted in the affirmative to reconsider vote.  There was no reconsideration.

Jim stated that the budget now had to be looked over again given that it is now out of balance.

Steve D. wants to look at the impact on the town side of the budget with the Board of Selectmen.

Peter Sarno inquired: “Are we looking at whole budget excluding the schools or looking at the school’s expense also?”
Peter Dion replied that we need to look at “all” line items in the budget.

Steve D. will have a recommended list of adjustments on the government side.

Toni informed us there is $804K going into the stabilization fund.

Motion to adjourn 8:43pm
        Bob moved
        Mike 2nd
Meeting adjourned