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Finance Advisory Board Minutes 03/30/2005
Minutes of the Finance and Advisory Board
March 30, 2005

Meeting Called to Order at: 7:07pm
Location: Town Hall -2nd floor meeting room
Members In Attendance: Jim Lacey, Reg Tardif, Walter Clemons, Bob Melideo, Peter Dion, Sandy Gerraughty, Ruth Stewart, Mike Sweat, Robin O’Malley
Also in attendance:  Toni Mertz, Steve Delaney, Don Cudmore, George Moker, Elaine Shuttleworth, Daryl Barta, Larry Borin, Steve Fortado, Debbie Carbone, Jack Moultrie, Peter Sarno, Linda Aresenault, John Durkee, Lonnie Brennan, Patti White-Lambright
Minutes Taken by: Sandy Gerraughty

Jim asked to hear from the schools in regards to their budget.

Larry Borin stated that they have gone back and reviewed the school budget expenses to look at reductions.  He is meeting with the School Comm after this meeting to discuss.  George Moker speaking for the School Comm felt that they should look at how they can contribute towards balancing the deficit.  They are looking at cutting $60K in expenses.

Jim went over a list of changes to the town side of the budget:
        $$ CHANGE               BUDGET
        (20,000.00)             Assessors
        (27,000.00)             Police Cruiser
        (10,000.00)             Insurance Liability
        ( 7,000.00)             Road Maintenance
        10,000.00               Revenue/excise

The $7000 reduction to the Road Maintenance is planned on being restored at the fall town meeting with funds from Free Cash.

It was stated again that the Fin Comm’s intention is to restore $7000 to the Highway Department and then $20,000 to the schools.

Peter Dion requested that the Town Administrator, Town Accountant and School Business Manager meet once a month and publish minutes so that any outstanding issues are brought to attention monthly.  Steve D. informed us that a format already exists with monthly finance meetings.  George Moker stated that the School Comm’s intention is to meet with Steve D. more regularly.

Jim reminded us that in the past the Fin Comm, School Comm and BOS sat down when the revenue was determined at the start of the budget process and that we are looking to do so again in the future.

Motion to accept budget as presented at $19,521,681 to bring to Town Meeting.
        Sandy moved
        Peter 2nd

Motion that if any Free Cash is generated that it be restored to the following accounts in the following order:
        $7000 to Road Maintenance and then $20,000 to the schools to make up for portion of cuts taken
        Sandy moved
        Peter 2nd
        AMENDMENT – Moved that the previously mentioned restorations are made after the $150,000 for the warrant
                Article for the School Architectural Services is funded
                Sandy moved
                Reggie 2nd
                Unanimous on the amendment
        Unanimous on the motion inclusive of the amendment

Steve D. presented Draft of Warrant Articles
Motion to adjourn 8:10pm
        Peter moved
        Sandy 2nd
Meeting adjourned