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April 16, 2009
GCC Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2009
                          2nd Floor Meeting Room

Attendance: Carl Shreder, Paul Nelson, Tom Howland, John Bell, John Lopez, Steve Przyjemski, and Sharon Munro.

  • Bills
MOTION to pay the bills. John B. /Tom all/unam


  • Meeting minutes for: 3/05/09
MOTION to approve minutes for 3/5/09. Tom/John B. all/unam


  • Discussion regarding the proposed trail connection between Georgetown and Groveland.
Attending: Michael Dempsey of Groveland’s Cons Com, and Richard Lombard and Robert Guptill of Groveland’s OSC.

Harry LaCortiglia, Open Space Com. – We (Harry L., George C., and Sharon M.) mapped the Bailey Lane today with the assistance of MVPC. I am here to support the connection of trails between Groveland and Georgetown.

Persons from Groveland Conservation and Open Space Com. present plans to connect trails in the Hampshire woods area. It is stated that MVPC would be willing to re-draw the tri-town map at no cost if there are no major modifications.

VFW also holds the CR in the Meadow Pond location. They will be supportive of this project as well. The ATV’s have been a real problem out there and it definitely needs to be taken to the next level in terms of enforcement.

Discussion includes suggestions to prevent continued use of ATVs in Georgetown and Groveland trails. Suggestions include various enforcement ideas.

The time frame is for mid-May.

Actions items:
  • Steve to get suggestions from MACC regarding enforcement
  • Site walk – May 9th @ 9:00am
  • Get our signage is up to speed (That is, make sure it is posted.)
  • To meet with Groveland Cons Com May 9th at 0900 at Town Hall
  • Bring camera for observations on this day.
  • There will need to be some blazing at this time, as well.
MOTION to put together a plan to work with the OS & Cons Com of Groveland to preserve trails and connect trails between towns. Paul/Tom all/unam

  • Discussion regarding the proposed donation of land on Thurlow Street.
Attending: Thomas, Jay and David Ogden

Mr. Ogden - We have a subdivision plan that was approved through the Planning Board and we have a parcel here that we would like to donate to the Conservation Commission. The Planning Board wanted us to offer this to the Cons Com otherwise it will be a Home Owners Association.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – There was some issues with contamination issues on the developable area. It’s a 21E location.

Mr. Ogden – We had testing done and one area that was removed had a concentration of arsenic. But only in that one area and we are now not having any issues with contaminants here.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – This has been since closed out by the DEP.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Is there any record of this site being clean?

Mr. Ogden – Yes, it is with the Planning Board. Also, some the resident’s have expressed interest in this because of the walking trails, here.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We should go on a site walk and look at this.

  • Site walk at 6 pm on April 23rd for Thurlow Street location to view potential donation of land.
Hearing to discuss possible changes to the Town of Georgetown Wetland protection Regulations.

MOTION to cont. to May 28th @ 7:32 pm Paul/John B. all/unam

Penn Brook Ave. (Culvert Replacement)

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We are still waiting for a response from the State. We did this through an emergency certification but, we do need to move forward on this.

MOTION~to cont. to May 28th @ 7:40pm. Paul/John L. all/unam

148 Jewett Street

        Attending: Jack Sullivan, Representative and Pamela Corkum, Applicant

Jack Sullivan, Rep. – I sent a “loama” to FEMA and they have received the request. We are looking to construct an 18x24 addition with a 10x11 enclosed porch on the southerly side and there will be no grading. Essentially, no grading changes will occur.

Carl Shreder, GCC – It looks like a big drop off there. Is this grass or wooded?

Jack Sullivan, Rep. – Outside of the fence it is wooded, inside the fence it is established lawn.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Does everyone what to do a site walk?

All – Yes.

MOTION to conduct a site walk for 148 Jewett at 8am on May 9th. Tom/John B. all/unam

Carl Shreder, GCC – Can abutters attend site walk?

Pamela Corkum, Applicant – yes.

Paul Nelson, GCC – This “loama” you are proposing; what is it that you are actually proposing?

Jack Sullivan, Rep. – The elevation along the brook in relation to the potential flood plain wasn’t accurate to what I found.

Carl Shreder, GCC – When was the delineation done?

Jack Sullivan, GCC – It was done Oct. 21, 2008.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We had comment from the ZBA regarding potential waivers. We wanted to inform the applicant ahead of time.

MOTION~to cont. May 28th @ 7:25pm. Tom/ John b. all/unam

  • Discussion regarding the donation of money for the Blanding’s Turtle work out at the West Street location.
George Comisky, VP of PRCWA – We are here to support the Parker River Ecosystems and the turtles work. Susan Speaks here has been working on a limited budget through NHESP and we are actively working to get more funds. But Susan works very hard to educate people on conservation awareness and held in very high regard for her excellent work.

Susan Speaks, Naturalist/ Environmental Educator – Susan discussed the importance of tracking the turtles and monitoring them. She explains that the while they protect and monitor the turtles out at the West Street location they are able to educate and involve the children in the area with the project.

John Lopez, GCC – Who is the permitting authority for the project?

Susan Speaks, Naturalist/ Environmental Educator – The division of fisheries and wildlife permit my work. And I report to NHESP as supervisors of my work.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – The hope is that in the future we can work with Park and Rec. once they begin to acquire land for soccer fields we can work with them to close the fields in this West Street area.

  • Funding of research, education and protection. Asking for $1000.00 to help.
MOTION to fund $1600 from the Conservation Fund to the Vice-President of the Parker River Clean Water Association (George Comisky) for the “Blanding’s Project” for 2009. John L. /John B. all/unam

Amend Motion to fund the project in the amount of $2,100.00. John L. /Carl all/unam

MOTION to authorize Agent and/or Assistant Agent to spend up to $500 for a new GPS for the department out of the CPC – “Trail Preservation Funds”. Paul/Carl all/unam