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April 16 Agenda Item 6
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 20K
Last Updated: 2014/4/10
Size: 1M
Last Updated: 2014/4/15
Size: 179K
Last Updated: 2014/4/15
Size: 912K
Last Updated: 2013/5/9
Size: 187K
Last Updated: 2014/4/10
Size: 513K
Last Updated: 2014/4/9
Discussion about options to replace the River Point railroad crossing bridge and order to approve a supplemental appropriation of $450,000 from Unassigned Fund Balance to construct a new bridge.

A public comment period will be included with this item (3 minutes).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.
The Town Council discussed this matter as part of their FY13 and FY14 Work Plans and at several meetings this past year.  The Town Council directed staff to initiate a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to solicit bids for construction at its October 28, 2013 meeting. The Town Council further directed staff to include two design options including one option that will mostly accommodate pedestrian access and a second option that will also provide limited vehicular access for property maintenance and possibly user access in the future.

We have received 8 bids ranging in cost from $343,000 to $518,000 for a six foot wide pedestrian bridge and costs from $385,000 to $566,000 for a 10 foot wide limited vehicular bridge.  A report and recommendation regarding the bids is attached.

Additionally, a report submitted earlier this year is attached.  This report includes information about access points, the history and condition of the current bridge, and options for its replacement.  Also attached is a copy of the RFP, a letter from the Falmouth Fire Chief Howard Rice in support of the ten foot wide bridge option, the proposed bridge plans, and a memo from Parks and Community Programs Director Lucky D'Ascanio.