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February 24 Agenda Item 6
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 20K
Last Updated: 2014/2/20
Size: 66K
Last Updated: 2014/2/14
Size: 1.9M
Last Updated: 2014/2/14
Size: 125K
Last Updated: 2014/2/14
Size: 265K
Last Updated: 2014/2/14
Size: 16K
Last Updated: 2014/2/14
Size: 182K
Last Updated: 2014/2/14
Size: 121K
Last Updated: 2014/2/14
Order to approve a supplemental appropriation and transfer in the amount of $300,000 from Unassigned Fund Balance to help partially fund the acquisition of the northern end of Clapboard Island, such appropriation to be conditioned upon a successful fundraising campaign for financing from other sources.  

A public comment period will be included with this item. (3 minutes per person)

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.
The Friends of Clapboard Island made a presentation to the Town Council at its meeting on January 13, 2014. They described their efforts and recommendation, in conjunction with the Falmouth Land Trust and the Maine Coast Heritage Trust, to purchase and preserve the northern portion of Clapboard Island and to open it for public use.

Materials attached to this item include all documents that were attached to the relevent agenda item for the January 13, 2014, Town Council meeting.