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June 15 Agenda Item 5(b)
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 356K
Last Updated: 2009/6/5
Size: 12K
Last Updated: 2009/6/5
Size: 12K
Last Updated: 2009/6/5
Size: 12K
Last Updated: 2009/6/5
Three resolutions to accept a grant from the State of Maine for the preservation of property as open space, and to encumber the property with permanent restrictions on its use as outlined in a Project Agreement with the Maine Department of Conservation.

Action: Council action anticipated.
We have attached three resolutions (embedded within a Town Clerk's Certification) for three separate properties. These resolutions are in a format approved and required by the Land for Maine's Future.

All three of these properties are currently owned by the town and were used as part of the local match for the Land for Maine's Future grant.

We have attached a map that includes eight properties, subject to 16 separate resolutions and orders at the June 15, 2009, Town Council meeting agenda.