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May 11 Agenda Item 3
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 507K
Last Updated: 2009/4/8
Size: 231K
Last Updated: 2009/4/8
Size: 1.4M
Last Updated: 2007/10/1
Size: 750K
Last Updated: 2009/4/8
Size: 1.4M
Last Updated: 2009/4/7
Size: 1.7M
Last Updated: 2009/4/7
Size: 181K
Last Updated: 2009/4/7
Public Hearing on amendments to the Falmouth Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Shoreland Zoning, as proposed by the LPAC.

ACTION:  No Council action anticipated.
Councilor Wrobleski, liaison to the Long Range Planning Advisory Committee (LPAC), will introduce amendments to the Falmouth Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Shoreland Zoning as proposed by the LPAC.  The proposed amendments have been developed to ensure that the Falmouth shoreland zoning ordinance remains consistent with recent amendments that the State has made to its Guidelines. The State Guidelines are minimum requirements for Maine municipalities. The deadline for adoption of local amendments is July 1, 2009, and the State is required to approve the local amendments before they are effective. Staff has worked with Mike Morse of the Maine DEP to ensure that this will be the case.  The proposed amendments, as recommended by LPAC, are attached. A staff memo describes the review process conducted and summarizes the major changes and issues.

This item was introduced at the April 13, 2009, Council meeting.  The required MRA public hearing was held by the Planning Board on May 5, 2009.  There was no public comment at that hearing, and the Planning Board voted 3-2 to recommend approval of the amendments.