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January 12 Agenda Item 11
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 39K
Last Updated: 2009/1/8
Size: 20K
Last Updated: 2009/1/8
Size: 409K
Last Updated: 2009/1/6
Size: 429K
Last Updated: 2009/1/6
Size: 149K
Last Updated: 2009/1/6
Size: 58K
Last Updated: 2009/1/6
Order, in accordance with Article II Section 204.12 of the Town Charter and Chaper 16, Article II, Section 16-43 of the Code of Ordinances, to authorize the Town Manager to sell a certain lot owned by the town, located on Field Road and identified as Tax Map R03-078.

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.
Staff has analyzed the property for potential public use and has determined there is no current or future value to the town. The property has frontage on Field Road and is surrounded by one abutter. It has extremely steep slopes and is part of a large abandoned gravel pit. The abutter has expressed an interest in purchasing the property. The Code of Ordinances provides the Council with an option to waive the general requirement to sell the property by sealed bid. This property could be eligible for a waiver considering its steep slopes and an assumption that it has no value to anyone other than the immediate abutter.

Attached you will find a copy of the tax card, GIS map, aerial photos, and an email from the DEP regarding this property.