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Library Trustees Minutes 10 November 2004
NOVEMBER 10, 2004

Members Present:  Theodore Flynn (Chair), Carl Meier, John Hill, Lynne Walsh, Nancy Delano
                        and Margaret Lougee
Staff Present:  Elaine Winquist (Director), Nancy Denman (Assistant Director), David
                        Murphy (Assistant Director) and Deborah Killory (Administrative Assistant)

The meeting was called to order at 7:38 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library.

Minutes of previous meeting
        The minutes of the October 14, 2004 meeting were presented.  A correction was made to a name.

Moved by Ms. Walsh, seconded by Ms. Lougee, to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2004 meeting as amended.
                                                                        Vote:   6 – 0 in favor
Chair’s Report
        Mr. Flynn reported on the November meeting of the Incorporated Board.  He said that the Inc. Board had been supportive of the Trustees’ position on the budget.  Mr. Flynn directed that future budget presentations should focus on the decline in the library’s budget as a percentage of the Town’s budget and indicate that the library would like its allotment of the budget restored to past percentage levels.  He also said that the Friends should be encouraged to attend Town Meeting to support the library.  Ms. Winquist said that she had presented a budget with level services to the FY04 budget and that the Town Manager had indicated his support.  He is still waiting for the numbers on the school budget before he can give direction.
Director’s Report
        Ms. Winquist presented her written report.  The director noted that the library has been in the local press constantly concerning programs.  The after school hours are going well.  Restrictions have been relaxed at the campus door, but most students still go around the building.  Large groups have been asked to around the building to reduce noise in the circulation area.
        Ms. Winquist reported that there is still some water coming in through the north wall of the building in rainstorms with heavy winds.  She is looking into waterproofing this area and is investigating whether community preservation funds might be available for this project, since the wall is composed of the original bricks.
        Town Counsel has indicated that he does not read the word “welcoming” as indicating an obligation by the library to take care of students entering the building.  He noted that the key factor in liability is a lack of policy.  He has been forwarded a copy of the Library Use policy.  Mr. Flynn asked Ms. Winquist to also send him a copy of the Unsupervised Children policy.

Department Reports
Reports of the Children’s, Circulation, Reference and Technical Services Department were distributed.  Mr. Meier noted that the reference report seems to indicate that the contact with the schools is improving.  Mr. Murphy confirmed this impression.
Ms. Denman expressed some concern about the change in procedure in the use of the campus, observing that it could be perceived as a lack of support by the trustees for the staff’s efforts to keep the after school situation under control.  Mr. Flynn said that both the selectmen and Inc. Board members had expressed concern with procedures concerning the campus door.  He noted that the procedures could and should be tightened up again if necessary.

Friends Report
        Ms. Lougee reported that with changes to the Friends Board a representative may not be able to attend each meeting.  At such meetings, a written update will be sent to the trustees.  The membership drive has already brought in $15,250 since October 1.  The Annual Meeting of the Friends is scheduled for November 10 and will include staff members presenting the popular Hot Reads and Hidden Treasures program that was so well received last year.  A new board will voted in at that meeting and is expected to include Julie Larsen, Siobhan Sheehan and Kristin Coppola.

New business
        Mr. Flynn said that he thought the library should develop a short, pithy, update newsletter to email to library supporters.  Mr. Meier offered to help with this.  David Cutler of the Inc. Board suggested that the library do a short monthly article in the Clipper on library news.
        Ms. Winquist noted that ALA will be having a midwinter meeting in Boston.  On January 14 from 9:00 – 5:00 there will be a pre-conference advocacy program.  She also have the trustees as heads up that PLA will be meeting in Boston in 2006.  She hopes to allow as many staff members as possible to attend conference sessions.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to adjourn at 8:28 am.
                                                                        Vote:   6 – 0 in favor