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07-10-06 Board of Selectmen Minutes

Date:    July 10, 2006

Date Minutes Approved: July 24, 2006

Present:  Elizabeth Sullivan, Chair; and John Tuffy, Clerk.

Absent:  Andre Martecchini, Vice-Chair, was absent.

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Town Manager; and C. Anne Murray, Dept. Secretary- Town Manager/Board of Selectmen.  

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

At 7:00 PM Ms. Sullivan moved that the Board go into Executive Session to discuss matters regarding the King Caesar Fund, which is of a confidential nature, as the Fund’s purpose is to provide medical relief for the financially-needy residents of Duxbury, and to reconvene in open session in accordance with Mass. General Laws Chapter 39, Section 23 B Subsection 1.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion.  A roll call vote was taken: Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Ms. Sullivan “aye”.  The motion passed. (2:0:0).
The meeting was re-convened in Open Session at 7:30 PM.

Ms. Sullivan began the Open Meeting by explaining the Board had been in Executive Session to discuss matters of a confidential nature with regard to the King Caesar Fund.


No items were discussed.

ONE-DAY LIQUOR LICENSE:  DUXBURY ART ASSOCIATION/       Reception on August 11, 2006

Mary Beth Browne was present to describe the event, the 89th Annual Midsummer Art Show, which is a fundraising event for the Duxbury Art Association.  The Show will be on Friday, August 11th, 2006 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM at the Ellison Center for the Arts, 64 St. George ST in Duxbury.  Tickets are $25.00.  The event will be catered by The Chef’s Table, and the request is for a one-day pouring license for wine and malt.
Ms. Sullivan noted the request had been circulated to the appropriate departments.  As long as the appropriate permits are obtained there were no objections.  At the start of the event, the Master of Ceremonies or other appropriate representative, needs to announce the location of the fire exits.

Mr. Tuffy moved that Mary Beth Browne, as a representative of the Duxbury Art Association, be granted a one-day Wine & Beer Pouring License for a fundraising event (Dux. Art Assoc. 89th Annual Midsummer Art Show Opening Reception) at the Ellison Center for the Arts
(64 St. George ST, Duxbury MA) on Friday, August 11, 2006 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM subject to the conditions on the departmental memoranda.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote: (2:0:0).


Alison Arnold, of the Duxbury Rural & Historical Society, was present to describe the event.  The event for DRHS donors is a wine and cheese reception to be held in conjunction with a music concert as part of the Duxbury Music Institute and Festival.  The event will be catered by Duxbury Services.  The request is for a one-day Wine & Malt License.
Ms. Sullivan noted the request had been circulated to the appropriate departments.  As long as the appropriate permits are obtained there were no objections.  Per departmental feedback the following conditions were noted: a police detail is needed, the second floor is to be restricted to employees only, and fire exits need to be announced at the beginning.

Mr. Tuffy moved that Patrick Browne, as a representative of the Duxbury Rural & Historical Society, be granted a one-day Wine & Malt Pouring License for a reception at the Nathaniel Winsor, Jr. House (479 Washington ST, Duxbury) from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM subject to the conditions on the departmental memoranda.  Second by Ms. Sullivan. Vote: (2:0:0).


Alison Arnold, of the Duxbury Rural & Historical Society, was present to describe the event.  The event is a private wedding reception for approximately 30 people to be held on Saturday, August 5, 2006 at the Nathaniel Winsor, Jr. House, 479 Washington ST.  The request is for an all alcoholic license.
Ms. Sullivan noted the request had been circulated to the appropriate departments.  As long as the appropriate permits are obtained there were no objections.  Per departmental feedback the following conditions were noted: a police detail is needed, the second floor is to be restricted to employees only, and fire exits need to be announced at the beginning.

Mr. Tuffy moved that Patrick Browne, Executive Director, as a representative of the DRHS, be granted a one-day All-Alcoholic Pouring License for a private wedding reception to be held on Saturday, August 5, 2006 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Nathaniel Winsor, Jr. House (479 Washington ST) subject to the conditions on the departmental memoranda.  Second by Ms. Sullivan. Vote: (2:0:0).

Ms. Sullivan announced that at Board of Directors of the Copeland Family Foundation, Inc. at their meeting on May 18, 2005 voted to grant a donation of $5,000.00 to the Duxbury Animal Shelter.  On behalf of the Town of Duxbury, Ms. Sullivan thanked the Copeland Family Foundation for their generous gift and continued support.

Mr. Tuffy moved that we accept the Copeland Family Foundation, Inc. donation of $5,000.00 for the Duxbury Animal Shelter.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote: (2:0:0).

Mr. Nicholas Adams, MassHighways Area Construction Engineer, and Mr. Mike McGrath, the Resident Engineer for this Project, were present to discuss the project.

Mr. Adams introduced himself and Mr. McGrath.  He gave a brief overview and then responded to questions from the Board and the audience.  Mr. Adams said that road work will cover 6.5 miles of Route 3A, from the Exit 10 interchange off Rte. 3 through Duxbury and into Marshfield.  It is to begin within the next week to 10 days, and will be done during daytime hours.  The project includes pavement cold plane and resurfacing, installation of an asphalt berm, adjusting and rebuilding existing drainage structures.  Contract was awarded to Aggregate Industries.

During this construction season (i.e. from now into early December depending on the weather) they will be adjusting and rebuilding the drainage structures.  During the next construction season (i.e. Spring 2007 to early December 2007) the cold planing (i.e. grinding of road surface) and repaving will be done.  Curb to curb resurfacing should be done daily along with temporary lane markings.

The contract does call for one lane of traffic to be open at all times.  Police details will direct the traffic.  Work hours will be from about 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM, as Rte. 3A is designated residential and they tend not to do evening work in residential areas.

Ms. Sullivan recognized Mr. Jim Sullivan in the audience.  Mr. Sullivan voiced his dissatisfaction with the fact that the project has been delayed for several years.  He was upset that it is late in getting started for this construction season.  In response Mr. Adams said that they have been delays in getting some of the survey information for the horizontal and vertical controls.  Construction cannot begin without that information.  

Since there is little that can be done about the past Ms. Sullivan asked that discussion focus on the present and future.

The following are some of the major questions, comments and answers discussed.

QUESTION: When is the project to begin?
ANSWER:  Some of the signage work is already being done.  We don’t have a hard and fast date, but we do expect it to be within the next week to 10 days.

COMMENT/QUESTION:  While MassHighways might designate this section of Route 3A as residential in reality it handles a heavy commercial load.  Is there any possibility of the work hours being extended into evening work as well so the project will be completed faster?
ANS.: No, as it was bid as a residential project.  Cost factors, such as overtime pay for workers and police details, were not part of this bidding process.

Ms. Sullivan, while agreeing that Route 3A does handle a lot of commercial traffic, said some residents might not want to have work done at night due to the noise and the lights.

QUESTION:  Will the landscaping along the sides be restored? What about tree clearing?
ANSWER:  Yes, as needed.  Anticipate only selective clearing of trees where it is necessary for drainage work.
QUESTION:  Who will be responsible for making the determination as to what is needed?
ANSWER:  Mike McGrath, Resident Engineer for this Project.  (NOTE:  Mr. McGrath did leave his contact information.)

Ms. Sullivan stressed the importance of adequate signage for public notification.  The Town has a couple of sign trailers and would be happy to make them available.  She encouraged Mr. McGrath not to hesitate to ask the DPW for them.

Mr. MacDonald stressed the importance of maintaining communication with the town throughout the project.  Mr. McGrath will maintain contact with Tom Daley, the DPW Director.

Ms. Barbara Kiley, Chair, and other members of the Historical Commission were present at the meeting.  Two revised floor plan of the Tarkiln Building was provided.  The Historical Commission is hoping to move forward at the next Town Meeting and therefore, needed to discuss several issues with the Board of Selectmen.  

Matters discussed were:

1.      Whether the Tarkiln Building should include a rental housing component or not?

Both Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Tuffy were of the opinion that the Tarkiln Building is not a compatible use or appropriate space for Affordable Housing given its’ active community use and proximity to the ball field and playground.

2.      Discussion of the revised floor plans:

It was noted that the revised plans do not include an Affordable Housing component.  

The Board agrees that at least one kitchenette is needed.  

The revised plans also have included storage spaces, which was one of the other items previously mentioned.  Ms. Sullivan suggested that storage space might also be considered in setting the rental fees.

What remains to be determined is whether the South Side with just be jacked up 9” to eliminate interior ramping or raised up to reinforce it.  The proposed designs show potential floor plans for either scenario.  A structural engineering opinion and the estimated costs of each is needed before a final determination can be made.

Overall the Board did appreciate the work done by Lynne Spencer, the architect who prepared the design plans.

3.      What is the Board thinking regarding rental fees?

In discussion it was learned that the Community Preservation Committee was requesting a Business Plan regarding the Tarkiln Building.  To prepare one the rental fees would have to be figured in and as discussed in the prior meeting on May 31st there is agreement that the rental fees do need to be increased.  

Mr. Tuffy did not feel a business plan was warranted as many community buildings do require some subsidy.  Both Mr. Tuffy and Ms. Sullivan felt an assessment of the costs and revenues would be within the responsibility of the Finance Director.  This would include preparation of a recommendation regarding the rental fees.  To assist with this Mr. Tuffy asked the Historical Commission to have the architect provide an estimate of the utility expenses based on the square footage and assuming the same level of usage.  


Recognized two members of his staff, Anne Murray and Anita Stiles, who of their own initiative have completed the Civic Leadership Program at Bridgewater State College.  \

The Town has received the Workers’ Compensation and the Property & Casualty premium assessments for FY ’07, and as expected there has been some increase.  Anita Stiles, our Insurance Benefit Coordinator, through her due diligence alone has saved the Town $81,000.  This entailed a lot of work, and Anita is to be commended for her efforts.

Construction costs for the month of June were approximately $1.5 million.  Down but still continuing.


Mr. Tuffy made a motion to approve the Minutes of June 19, 2006 and June 26, 2006, as written.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote: (2:0:0).


Board of Appeals (ALTERNATES):  Ms. Sullivan moved that Mr. Dennis Murphy be appointed to the Board of Appeals (Alternates) for a one-year term, to expire on 6/30/07.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote:  2:0:0.


Ms. Sullivan moved for adjournment at 8:32 PM.  Second by Mr. Tuffy-.  Vote in favor of the motion was (2:0:0).  Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

C. Anne Murray
Dept. Secretary, Town Manager / Board of Selectmen