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02-13-06 Board of Selectmen Minutes

Date: February 13, 2006
Date Minutes Approved: February 27, 2006


Present:  John Tuffy (arrived at 9:05 PM), Chair; Elizabeth Sullivan, Vice-Chair and Andre Martecchini, Clerk.

Absent:  No members were absent.

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Town Manager; and C. Anne Murray, Dept. Secretary.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Ms. Sullivan.

No items were discussed.

Dr. Brawley is preparing an application to the NOAA Aquaculture Program to consider the Duxbury/Kingston/Plymouth Bay system for a robust monitoring asked the Board for a letter of support for the NOAA Aquaculture Program to conduct a


Ms. Nancy Bennett, from the Bluefish River Firehouse Restoration Committee, was present.  She requested that the Board accept two donations in the amounts of $500.00 from The Devnew Family of Partridge Road in Duxbury $300.00 from Mr. Paul Bucci and Mr. Brian Sullivan of Bay Road in Duxbury

Mr. Martecchini moved that we accept with thanks the generous donations of five hundred dollars ($500.00) from The Devnew Family of Partridge Road and three hundred dollars ($300.00) from Mr. Paul Bucci and Mr. Brian Sullivan of Bay Road for the restoration of the Bluefish River Firehouse.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Motion passed unanimously.  
VOTE (2:0:0).

Diane Bartlett appeared on behalf of the Highway Safety Committee.  She explained that the list of Isolated Stop Signs needs to be accepted by the Board in order for them to be legally enforceable under Chapter 89, Section 9 of the General Laws.

Ms. Sullivan noted that they had been reviewed by Chief DeLuca and he had no concerns.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board accept the list of Isolated Stop Signs to be included in the Traffic Rules and Orders in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 89, Section 9 of the General Laws.  Second Ms. Sullivan.  Motion passed unanimously.  VOTE (2:0:0).

As there were several minutes before the next scheduled item the Board reviewed and acted on the correction to a Used Car Dealer’s License – Class II issued to Saint George Street Garage.  Correction was needed so that our records will correspond with the Registry of Motor Vehicle records for this business.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen amend the Used Car Dealer’s License – Class II issued to the business known as Saint George Street Garage to correct the name to Benjamin F. Goodrich, Jr. and address to correspond with the Registry of Motor Vehicles’ records. Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Motion passed unanimously.  VOTE (2:0:0).

Present was Ms. Patricia Loring, who explained that a number of communities have established similar Agricultural Commissions.  Such Commissions are advisory in nature and typically do not receive funding.  They serve as a resource on agricultural issues, have an education component, and at times help to mediate in conflicts.

Mr. Martecchini pointed out the article does not mention aquaculture.  He asked if aquaculture would fall within the purview of the Duxbury Agricultural Commission?
Ms. Loring explained that aquaculture falls with the State definition of “agriculture” and therefore did not have to be specifically named.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen support Article 18 to establish an Agricultural Commission at the Annual Town Meeting in March.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Motion passed unanimously.  VOTE (2:0:0).


Present were:  Kathleen Coghlan of 3 Orchard Lane and others to speak in support of this citizen’s petition Article.

The Article seeks to authorize the Moderator to appoint a “Long Range Planning Committee” to develop a master plan for the Percy Walker Pool and requests an appropriation of $15,000. to be expended by the appointed committee for plans and architectural services for the rehabilitation of the Pool.

Ms. Coghlan provided a brief overview of some of the issues and concerns regarding the deteriorating condition of the Town-owned Percy Walker Pool.  She stressed the value of this resource to the community and the number of citizens who have and continue to benefit from its existence.  While she is willing to initiate a Friends of the Pool Committee to do some fundraising she felt the Town needed to take the initial step to invest in this town-owned property.

Mr. MacDonald while applauding Ms. Coghlan did point out that the dehumidification unit needs to be installed first.  That hopefully will happen in September.  The timing was based on swim team schedules and to combine dumping the water with the dehumidification installation to limit the time the Pool would have to be closed. He felt the REC Facilities Committee needs to take a role in developing a master plan for the pool.

Comments from the Board of Selectmen included the following:
·       While acknowledging improvements are needed, did want to stress the Town is has not been negligent as to safety.  Water testing, etc. is done on a standard basis.
·       Appropriate process would have been to take this concern to the REC Facilities Committee.
·       The Fiscal Advisory Committee should also take a look at this.  Overall the Town needs to work on a capital plan.
·       Likely there will need to be another Special Town Meeting in the Fall and that might be a better time to address this.
·       Suggested the Survey of Town Buildings done a couple of years ago might already have some useful information.  

A number of members of the audience spoke and made the following points:
·       As a town-owned asset local realtors mention the Pool as a feature of the town.  Town should invest in this asset.
·       Concerned that the pool has no family locker room.
·       Supported the concept of a citizen’s committee as that is how the library renovation got started, but did feel the Town needs to be supportive.
·       The lighting at the pool is deplorable.
·       The sink for the handicapped is in need of repair.
·       Common bathing/showering areas should be removed.  Pointed out you have to go through the shower room to get from the locker room to the pool.
·       While paint job was welcome cosmetic maintenance it already has graffiti on it.

Kathy Coghlan made a brief response to comments made by the Board:
·       Specifically did not go to REC Facilities Committee because their focus is on day-to-day maintenance and not long-term issues.
·       Report in 2000 pointed out need for dehumidification, but it is still pending.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen support Article 21 which seeks to establish to authorize the Moderator to appoint a “Long Range Planning Committee” to develop a master plan for the Percy Walker Pool and requests an appropriation of $15,000. to be expended by the appointed committee for plans and architectural services for the rehabilitation of the Pool.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Motion was defeated.  Vote:  (0:2:0)

Just prior to the actual vote Ms. Sullivan stated that she could not support the appropriation of funds, but she could support an Article that solely called for the setting up of a Committee.  She cited the fiscal state of the town and other capital priorities as her rationale.  Mr. Martecchini agreed.

7:55 P.M.       ARTICLE 17 TRANSFER OF RETIREES TO MEDICARE EXTENSION PLANS / Peter Savage from Cook and Co. and Anne Hart-Davies from Blue Cross Blue Shield

Ms. Sullivan mentioned that there had been a presentation at the Senior Center regarding this article.  She then introduced Peter Savage of Cook and Co., the Town’s health insurance consultant, and Anne Hart-Davis of Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS).

The following is a simplified illustration of the proposed change:


Mr. Savage made the following comments:
·       Explained the suggestion was made to the Town to make this transfer because it is felt it would save the Town money and not adversely effect retirees.  Half the communities in Massachusetts and the Commonwealth itself has accepted this change.
·       Under this proposed plan, retirees who have Part A would then have to enroll in
Part B.
·       Of 200 retirees approximately 150 (75%) are enrolled in the Medicare Plan and approximately 50 (25%) are enrolled in Master Health+ / Network Blue.
·       By adopting this program, if a retiree had qualified for Medicare Part B and did not enroll there would be a penalty to the Town for each year the retiree had not enrolled.  Town potentially could net $45K-$50K even given the penalties.
·       We believe this proposal would be a win-win as both the Town and the retirees would save money.  
·       For those enrolled in MasterHealth+ and Network Blue, if they qualify, which requires they be age 65 or older and have Social Security qualification of 40 quarters, they would have to sign up for Part B.
·       The reality is the differential between plans is widening.
·       Medex is a supplement plan, which covers the difference in costs.

Ms. Hart-Davies of BCBS went over handouts showing a side by side comparison of the plans.  She pointed out that individuals are paying for increasing costs twice; once through taxes and then through premium costs.

Comments/Questions from the Board of Selectmen included the following:
·       One of the criteria the consultants were given when asked to look at health care options was that it could not just be a savings for the Town, but also should be less expensive for the retiree as well.
·       Rates are set by the Town based on past claims.
·       Reality is that health care costs are spiraling and this is a discussion we needed to initiate.
·       Under this change retirees can keep the same doctor.
·       Under this change retirees could get prescriptions filled at the same pharmacies they are using now.
·       The prescription coverages have slight differences:
Ms. Hart-Davis explained:
MasterHealth+ has a two-tier prescription system:  Brand Name and Generic.      Medex3 has similar prescription cover ages with the exception of the cost of
brand name drugs at the pharmacy.
Network Blue has a two-tier prescription system: Brand Name and Generic.
Managed Blue for Seniors has a three-tier system.
·       Benefits?       Ms. Hart-Davis explained that MasterHealth+ is an illness program. There is no preventative care.  If you are going to the doctor for a routine visit for preventative (or what is sometimes called “wellness” care), then the claim would be rejected.
·       Timing: The Board is sensitive to the fact that if passed it only allows until the end of March for enrollment.  Given that general feeling was for recommending “no action” at this time.  Should be a presentation at Town Meeting as to why this proposal was brought forward and the reasons for recommending postponement.
·       Recommendation that this proposal be reintroduced at a Special Town Meeting in the Fall of 2006.  

Ms. Hart-Davis mentioned that the inflation factor on MasterHealth+ is more than double.

Mr. Tuffy arrived at the meeting during the discussion of this agenda item.

The following comments/questions were made by individuals in the audience:
·       If we switched would we make $50K this year?  
Answer by Mr. Savage:   Would make $50K in its first year and going forward there would probably be fewer penalties.
·       Teachers never paid into Social Security so they are not eligible unless their spouse is.  Mr. Savage: All Municipal employees after 1986 do pay in so this would be true for a smaller pool of retirees as the years go on.
·       Concerns expressed that retirees were being singled out.  
·       Concerns that there are some retirees, who worked for the Duxbury community, but because they are not Duxbury residents they are not able to vote on the proposal.
·       Lack of understanding as to what the Insurance Advisory Committee is, who is on it, and what role they play.
·       Concern that, beyond the retirees, representatives of other town employees have not been notified.  Town Manager responded by indicating we have begun discussing this with the Unions.
·       Concerns that while the benefits might be comparable today the expectation is there will be cuts in Medicare in the future.
·       Timing: Concern was that the timing does not allow for sufficient time for adequate study and/or enrollment.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen recommend at the Annual Town Meeting in March 2006 that Article 17 be indefinitely postponed.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Motion was unanimously passed.  VOTE: (3:0:0).


        Rationale for this article was that over a year ago the Planning Board met and discussed the need for a plan, which will outline how the Town aims to meet its affordable housing goals.  Volunteers just do not have the time to commit to getting it done, and it does require some expertise.  
Christine Stickney, Town Planner, by having a plan then the Town has more control over 40Bs.  In addition, 10% of the CPC funds are to be dedicated to Housing and this would be an appropriate use of those funds.
·       Under whose direction would the person be?              Answer: Town Manager
·       Would this person be a town employee or a consulting service?   
Answer: Consulting Service
·       Funding of $30 for one year – is that sufficient?       Answer:  Range in other communities is from $25K-$60K depending on the scope.  Is felt funding is sufficient as much of the material has been gathered so focus is on compiling.
·       Who would write the RFP?        Answer: Local Housing Partnership and Planning Board would have input, but actual RFP would be written by staff.
·       Concern that task will only get partially completed and require future funding.  Response was that the plan is to be developed with the first six months.

Mr. Tuffy moved that the Board of Selectmen support Article 31at the Annual Town Meeting in March 2006.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Motion was unanimously passed.  
VOTE: (3:0:0).

Present was Ms. Diane Bartlett of the Local Housing Partnership.

Comments, Concerns, and Questions:
·       Reality is that there are large homes being built but very few smaller houses.
·       Many town employees can no longer afford to live within the Town.
·       At least two people per month ask about the availability of apartments.
·       Feeling expressed by some members of the Board that the article lacked specificity to be useful and questioned what it accomplished.  Response was that the Town has not spoken as a body in about 15 years.  What it accomplishes, therefore, is to get a sense of the Town as to whether or not the townspeople are committed to the concept of affordable housing.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen support Article 32at the Annual Town Meeting on March 11, 2006.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Motion was unanimously passed.  
VOTE: (3:0:0).


Mr. MacDonald made some general comments regarding about the FY ’07 Budget:
·       The total budget is approximately $53.9 Million
·       Of that approximately $24.3 Million is for education, which represents a 1.39% increase.
·       Proposed budget does include the position of Finance Director.
·       Includes $300,000. for the schools based on projected State Aid figures.
·       Under Capital projects the following were noted:
o       The Keene Street water main was eliminated.  This was done after discussions with the DPW and the Water Department.  It was eliminated for this fiscal year due to the small number of homes, which would benefit.
o       The Powder Point Bridge repairs will require borrowing.
o       Under the DPW we had to budget $25,000. to replace a portable heavy-duty lift, which the department just can’t function without.


Town Manager’s Brief:
1.      This weekend’s storm:
Thankfully, there was no serious damage from the weekend storm.  The Police, Fire, DPW, and Harbormaster did a great job in coordinating their efforts.
2.      NStar:  We will still pursue having a representative from NStar in to discuss the loss of electricity.
3.      Financial Meeting:      The Fiscal Team and the Town Manager will be meeting with the Finance Committee regarding the Budget on Tuesday, February 21st at 7:30 PM at the Senior Center.
4.      Director of Inspectional Service:  We will be beginning the interview process


Mr. Tuffy moved for adjournment at 9:55 PM.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote in favor of the motion was (3:0:0).  Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

C. Anne Murray
Dept. Secretary, Town Manager / Board of Selectmen