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12-11-06 Board of Selectmen Minutes

Date:    December 11, 2006

Date Minutes Approved: December 18, 2006

Present:  Elizabeth Sullivan, Chair; Andre Martecchini, Vice-Chair.  
Absent:  John Tuffy, Clerk

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Town Manager; and C. Anne Murray, Dept. Secretary- Town Manager/Board of Selectmen.  

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 PM.

No items were discussed.


Ms. Sullivan explained that this is the time of year when the license renewals have to be done.  It is not without considerable paperwork from the businesses and work by the staff verifying that everything is in order.  Ms. Sullivan suggested separate motions with the first group regarding alcohol licenses and the second group being common victualler and general licenses.

Mr. Martecchini moved, and Ms. Sullivan seconded, that the Board of Selectmen renew the following liquor licenses (shown below) for the year 2007:              Vote: 2:0:0.

Mile Post Tavern
North Hill Country Club
Sun Tavern
Tsang's Café, Inc.
Wildflower Café

Winsor House Inn   

Duxbury Veteran's Club
Village at Duxbury

Millbrook Market
Bennett's General Store
Duxbury Wine & Spirits
Osborn's Country Store
Wine Depot

Duxbury General Store
La Maison Du Vin  

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen renew the following licenses (shown below) for 2007, subject to the provision of all renewal paperwork and fees being submitted to the Board of Selectmen office. Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote:  2:0:0.

Millbrook Motors, Inc.
CLASS II AUTO:~ ~       ~
Autobuys        ~       
Bayside Marine Corp.    ~       
Saint George St. Garage ~       
COMMON VICTUALLER:      ~       ~
Alden Elementary School ~       
Back River Fish Market  ~       
Bay Path at Duxbury     ~       
Benchwarmer Sub Shop    ~       
Bennett's General Store ~       
Bread Board @ Dux. High ~       
Chandler School ~       
Crossroads for Kids, Inc.       ~       
Dimitri's Pizza ~       
D'Orazio's      ~       
Dunkin Donuts   ~       
Duxbury Beach Park      ~       
Duxbury Deli    ~       
Duxbury General Store   ~       
Duxbury High School     ~       
Duxbury Middle School   ~       
Duxbury Pizza   ~       
Duxbury Senior Center   ~       
Duxbury Yacht Club      ~       
Farfars Danish Ice Cream        ~       
First Parish Church     ~       
French Memories ~       
Holy Family Church      ~       
Mile Post Tavern        ~       
Millbrook Market        ~       
Mirimar Retreat ~       
North Hill Country Club ~       
Osborn's Country Store  ~       
Powder Point Grille     ~       
Scoops, The Ice Cream Shop      ~       
Snug Harbor Fish Company        ~       
Sun Tavern      ~       
Tsang's Café, Inc.      ~       
Uncommon Grounds                
Wildflower Café ~       
Winsor House Inn        ~       
Mile Post Tavern        ~       
Sun Tavern      ~       
Wildflower Café ~       
Winsor House Inn        ~       

GENERAL (PEDDLER'S)     ~       ~
Shinetti's Hot Dogs     ~       ~

J's Ice Cream   ~       
Little Jimmie's Authentic Italian Ice   ~

Duxbury Beach Park      ~       

INNHOLDER       ~       ~
Winsor House Inn        ~       

LIVERY  ~       ~
Kidz Kab        ~       
~       ~       ~
As it wasn’t quite time for the scheduled appointment the Board moved to the business section of the meeting.


1.  Wright Building –– Mr. MacDonald said he made a site visit to the Wright Building last week.  It is in the final construction stages.  The basement was in the process of being sheet rocked and ceiling tiles were also being installed.

 Mr. Martecchini asked about the status of the leases, and Mr. MacDonald indicted that the leases have been delivered to the Duxbury Rural and Historical Society and to the Student Union for their consideration.

2.  Pool RFP ––  Mr. MacDonald explained that at last year’s Annual Town Meeting the amount of $15,000 was voted for plans and architectural services for the rehabilitation of the pool.  A request for proposals (RFP) was distributed.  The bids were recently received and have been opened.  The bids came in slightly over budget, even though the budgeted amount was mentioned in the RFP.  Mr. MacDonald will be conferring with Town Counsel before proceeding.

3. Construction Costs –– Mr. MacDonald said the Construction Costs in November were approximately $1.2 Million.   He said he projects that revenue received as a result of construction are estimated to be about $5 million less in 2006 compared to 2005.

4.  Early Holiday Closure of Town Hall–– Mr. MacDonald announced that he will be closing the Town Hall at noon on Friday, December 22, 2006.  Monday, December 25, 2006 is Christmas and the Town Hall will also be closed.

5. Budget Presentation ––Mr. MacDonald announced that at next week’s Board of Selectmen’s meeting,  on Monday, December 18, 2006, he will be giving a presentation of the budget.  

List of Town Meeting Articles – Noted for the record that a list of the articles received for both the Annual Town Meeting and the Special Town Meeting was circulated and available.


Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board accept the Minutes of 12/04/06 as written.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote: 2:0:0.


Ms. Sullivan noted that the Board had received a few resignations due to personal and professional obligations.  She expressed the Board’s gratitude for their service and with regret accepted the following resignations:

Thomas McClure has resigned as a full member of Board of Appeals.  He will continue to sit on any open hearings he has been assigned, but will not be taking on any new assignments.  His term was to 6/30/08.

Since Mr. McClure will continue to sit on open hearings the Selectmen conferred and agreed that he should be appointed as an Alternate with a term to 6/30/08.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen appoint Thomas McClure as an Alternate to the Board of Appeals for a term to expire on 6/30/08.  Second by Ms. Sullivan. Vote: 2: 0:0.

Mr. MacDonald commented that Mr. McClure is an attorney.  He has served on the Board of Appeals for sometime and was extremely helpful to that Board during his tenure so he will be missed.

Jim Bunnell resigned from the North Hill Advisory Committee.  His unexpired term is to 6/30/09.

Paul McDermott also resigned from the North Hill Advisory Committee. His unexpired term is to 6/30/07.

Ms. Sullivan inquired about open positions on other Boards and Committees, and Ms. Murray replied that there are currently open positions on the Duxbury Youth Commission.
Ms. Sullivan encouraged anyone in the community who would be interested in serving on these Boards or any others to fill out and submit a Talent Bank form.


Ms. Sullivan said Mr. Bruce Bygate has come forward as a candidate for the vacancy on the Board of Health.  
Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen appoint Bruce Bygate to the Board of Health to fill the unexpired term due to expire on 6/30/08.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.    
Vote:  2:0:0.

At 7:45 PM Mr. Martecchini moved that the Selectmen adjourn their meeting with the intention of meeting as Water & Sewer Commissioners.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  
Vote:  2:0:0.

MEETING OF WATER & SEWER COMMISSIONERS:  Drew House/ Bluefish River Shared Septic System
Present for the Duxbury Rural and Historical Society (DRHS) were:
Mr.  Kenneth A. Johnston, President DRHS, Mr. Patrick Browne, Executive Director DRHS, and Mr. James S. Hartford, former President and current Chair of the DRHS Buildings Committee.

Mr. Martecchini explained that the DRHS is in the process of negotiating the sale of the Drew House.  This property was part of the Bluefish River Shared Septic System (hereafter “System”).  When the System was established and betterments were assigned they were based on “sewer units.”  The sewer units represents a method of allocating only the original capital costs to create the System, but does not address the allocation of flow allotted to each property.  So for clarity what is now needed is a recording on the deeds the number of bedrooms the flow assessments represent for each of the involved properties.   

For the record, reference was made to Mr. Johnston’s letter of November 21, 2006 to Richard MacDonald and Mr. Hartford’s letter of November 21, 2006 to Richard MacDonald along with Mr. Hartford’s memorandum of November 15, 2006.

Mr. Martecchini and Mr. Hartford referred to the following information in the memorandum of November 15, 2006 to explain the situations and the basis for a resolution:

Bedrooms*               15 bedrooms   @      110 GPD            1650 Gal
Concert Hall            150 seats         @         3  gal/seat           450 Gal
Office Space             518 Sq FT      @      75  gal/1000 SF             40 Gal
Gallery                 10 visitors        @       3 gal/visitor                  30 Gal
School                   130 Students  @     10 Gal/Student          1300 Gal
Reserve Flow                                                                            180 Gal

TOTAL FLOW                                                                    3650 GPD

*Based on reasonable assumptions as to how the design engineers addressed the residential usage and by using the Assessor’s records and utilizing the existing bedroom counts for determining what the minimum design flows for what the houses need to be, the conclusion reached was the for the following number of bedrooms for each property:
Drew House 4 bedrooms, Caliendo/Cable House 7 bedrooms, and Spriggs  4 bedrooms.

Mrs. Ruth Rowley offered her recollections of this matter from when the System was developed.  She suggested the involved parties be notified and a process be established.
Noted for the record: The involved parties were notified of tonight’s meeting by certified mail.  

Mr. Caliendo was present and confirmed his property has 7 bedrooms, and he is comfortable with that allotment.  Mr. Caliendo did raise a question regarding whether there would be or should be an abatement on the original betterment assessment.  Mr. Martecchini indicated we could look at the assessments regarding the betterments, but are not prepared to do so tonight.  It was also mentioned that betterments are typically paid off at a closing.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Water & Sewer Commissioners allocate a total of 15 bedrooms to the Bluefish River Shared Septic System as follows:       
Drew House                     4 bedrooms
        Caliendo/Cable House            7 bedrooms
Spriggs                 4 bedrooms

TOTAL:                  15 bedrooms
and that the above be recorded as such in the appropriate deeds. Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote: 2:0:0

At 8:07 PM, Mr. Martecchini moved that the Water & Sewer Commissioners adjourn with the intention of reconvening the meeting as the Board of Selectmen.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote: 2:0:0.
Briefly discussed next week’s Board of Selectmen agenda.  The budget presentation might be scheduled after other meeting business to allow for later arrivals.  


Mr. Martecchini moved for adjournment at 8:07 PM.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote in favor of the motion was 2:0:0.  Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

C. Anne Murray
Dept. Secretary, Town Manager / Board of Selectmen