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10-23-06 Board of Selectmen Minutes
Date:    October 23, 2006

Date Minutes Approved: October 30, 2006

Present:  Elizabeth Sullivan, Chair; Andre Martecchini, Vice-Chair, and John Tuffy, Clerk.

Absent:  No members were absent.

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Town Manager; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.


Ms. Mary Lampert was present to request that the Selectmen petition to have the Town of Duxbury made a party to the adjudicatory hearings for the re-licensing of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.  Ms. Sullivan agreed that the Selectmen should consider this request as an agenda item at their next meeting (October 30, 2006 at 8:15 PM).  Ms. Sullivan requested that Ms. Lampert obtain a recommendation from Duxbury’s Emergency Management Agency Director prior to the meeting.


Present were:  
Mr. Neil Johnson, Chairman of the Public Safety Building Feasibility Study Committee (PSBFSC)
Mr. Kevin Nord, Duxbury Fire Chief

Mr. Johnson and Chief Nord summarized a presentation made to the Selectmen on September 18, 2006.  The major finding of the PSBFSC was that both the Fire and Police facilities are in need of replacement or major renovation.  In the case of the Police Station, a new facility is needed, and the PSBFSC is prepared to request architectural design money at the 2007 Annual Town Meeting.  However, it is unclear whether the Main Fire Station should be replaced, renovated, or expanded.  A study is needed.  The study would define the scope, the blocking and stacking (number of stories), and program adjacencies (optimal location of rooms/facilities in relation to one another).

Mr. Tuffy asked whether $30,000.00 will be enough for the study.  Mr. Johnson said that this is on the low end.  However, a firm may be willing to offer a low price for the study in the hopes that they will eventually become the design firm.

The Selectmen also asked whether the study would be complete in time to request design money at the 2007 Annual Town Meeting.  Mr. Johnson said that this is their goal, but that the schedule will be very tight.  Ms. Sullivan emphasized that if design money is requested at the Annual Town Meeting, that the amount would be needed very early.  It is too difficult to plan for the needs of the Town if there is only a “placeholder” for the amount.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen support Special Town Meeting Article #6, for a Fire Department Facility Study, in the amount of $30,000.00.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote: 3:0:0.


Special Town Meeting Article #7:  Mr. MacDonald requested that the Selectmen reconsider their vote on Special Town Meeting Article #7 (Fund Study of Other Post Employment Benefits).  Subsequent discussions with the Finance Department have led Mr. MacDonald to think that this would be the best course of action.

Mr. Tuffy moved to reconsider the Selectmen’s vote on Special Town Meeting Article #7.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote:  3:0:0.

Mr. Tuffy moved to recommend Indefinite Postponement of Special Town Meeting Article #7.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 3:0:0.


Mr. Martecchini moved to approve the minutes of 10/16/06 as written.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote: 3:0:0.


Old Colony Planning Council (Alternate):  Ms. Sullivan moved to appoint Mr. Robert W. Burnham to fill an unexpired term as an Alternate to the Old Colony Planning Council, such term to end on 6/30/08.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 3:0:0.


At 7:45 PM, Ms. Sullivan moved that the Board enter Executive Session to discuss
strategy with regard to collective bargaining and negotiations with non-union personnel, and to reconvene in Open Session for the purposes of adjournment only in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 39, Section 23B, Subsection 1.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Roll Call Vote:  Martecchini---aye; Tuffy---aye; Sullivan---aye.


AT 9:25 PM, Mr. Tuffy moved to adjourn the meeting of the Board of Selectmen.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 3:0:0.

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara A. Ripley