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04-27-06 Board of Selectmen Minutes

Date:    April 27, 2006

Date Minutes Approved: May 8, 2006

Present:  Elizabeth Sullivan, Chair; Andre Martecchini, Vice-Chair, and John Tuffy, Clerk.

Absent:  No members were absent.

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Town Manager; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 4:35 PM in the Board of Selectmen office in Old Town Hall.

This was an administrative session for the Board of Selectmen to begin reviewing the membership of Boards and Committees in preparation for making appointments and/or
re-appointments when some terms expire June 30th.  No appointments were made.

Meeting began with a general discussion of the Agricultural Commission established by Article 18 approved by a Town Meeting vote on March 13, 2006.  Selectmen reviewed the wording of the motion regarding the membership make up of the Agricultural Commission.  
They also reviewed the Talent Bank forms received to date from Duxbury residents indicating their interest in serving on the Agricultural Commission to determine if there was a diversity of applicants to fill this Committee or whether other applicants needed to be solicited.  No appointments were made.

Then the Board of Selectmen reviewed a spreadsheet of the Boards and Committees prepared by the staff.  The Board looked at each Board or Committee to get a sense of which members have terms expiring 06/30/06 and whether there were any other open positions on each to be filled.   It was agreed that each Selectmen will contact the Chairs of the Boards and Committees he/she is liaison for to get a sense of which seated Board members with expiring terms are interested in re-appointment and/or any other feedback regarding the status of their Boards or Committees.  In the interim, the staff was asked to assemble the Talent Bank forms received during the past two years and an accompanying spreadsheet showing the names of potential candidates and which Board(s) /Committee(s) each candidate indicated he/she is interested in serving.

Mr. Tuffy left at 5:15 pm for another previously-scheduled meeting.  Mr. Martecchini and Ms. Sullivan continuing reviewing the Boards and Committee information until Mr. Martecchini also had to leave for a meeting.


Mr. Martecchini moved for adjournment at 5:30 PM.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote in favor of the motion was (2:0:0).  Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

C. Anne Murray
Dept. Secretary, Town Manager / Board of Selectmen