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07-11-05 Board of Selectmen Minutes
BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES                                              Date:  July 11, 2005

Present:  Elizabeth Sullivan, Vice-Chair; and Andre Martecchini.

Absent:  John Tuffy, Chair.

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Acting Town Manager; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 PM.


No items were discussed.


The Board of Selectmen congratulated Sheryl Strother for her leadership in obtaining this award for herself and for the Town.  They noted that this award is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.  Ms. Strother commented that it may have a beneficial effect on the Town’s bond rating.


Mr. Martecchini made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the Board of Selectmen, in order to meet as the Water and Sewer Commissioners, with the intent to re-convene the Board of Selectmen meeting afterward.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Mr. Paul Anderson, Duxbury Water Superintendent, was present.  Mr. Anderson proposed that the Selectmen enact voluntary water restrictions for outdoor watering.  He said that we have had adequate rainfall, but that the peak usage strains our ability to get water out to the customers.  

Mr. Martecchini made a motion to restrict outdoor watering to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for odd-numbered houses, and Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays for even-numbered houses, and to restrict the hours of outdoor watering to 5am – 8 am.    Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).  

Mr. Martecchini made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the Duxbury Water and Sewer Commissioners, and to re-convene in Open Session of the Duxbury Board of Selectmen.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).  


Ms. Beth Conway, Town Treasurer was present.  Ms. Conway explained that there was a defect in the foreclosure taking of this parcel in that the mortgage company, Rockland Trust, was not notified.  Now, the former owner and Rockland Trust are seeking to have the taking vacated in return for back taxes.  The Board of Selectmen tabled the issue, pending receipt of further information.


Ms. Patricia Pappas, Cemetery Director, was present.  Ms. Pappas explained that the Cemetery Department and the Cemetery Trustees request that a portion of the interest of the Trust fund be used for the purpose of painting the fences surrounding the “old Portions” of the Mayflower Cemetery.  She estimated that the cost would be $9,500 to $10,000.  

Ms. Ruth Rowley (546 Washington Street) commented that the Arthur Eaton Trust fund conditions that flowers be placed on the monument of Edna Eaton on certain occasions every year.  However, no disbursements from the Arthur Eaton fund have been noted in the Town report.  Mr. Martecchini noted that this request has been covered from other funds.  

Mr. Martecchini said that there is no need for the Selectmen to vote on this request.  He asked that a favorable vote by the Cemetery Trustees be made a part of these minutes.


Ms. Pappas explained that the Cemetery Department would like to use the interest from the Mayflower Care and Improvement Fund for the repaving of avenues in Mayflower Cemetery.  This fund is under the control of the Board of Selectmen.  The cost is estimated to be not more than $7,000.00.  

In addition, Ms. Pappas inquired about using this interest for a weed control and beautification of the cemetery lawns.  She said that a great deal of clover has built up, and that a fertilizer program is badly needed.  Ms. Conway, still present at the meeting, commented that the estimates for such a program exceed the flow of interest to the fund.  Mr. Martecchini suggested that this item be postponed.  He said that the possibility of making the first treatment a capital item should be explored.  Ms. Sullivan added that it would be prudent to work together with the Director of Buildings and Grounds to coordinate the program with other Town lawns.

Mr. Martecchini made a motion to authorize the use of up to $7,000.00 for paving at the Mayflower Cemetery, from the Mayflower Care and Improvement fund.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).  


Ms. Mary Beth Brown, Executive Director of the DAA was present.  She provided the Selectmen with a copy of the TIPPS certificate for the event’s bartender, Rod Cameron.  Ms. Sullivan noted that the Police, Fire, and Inspectional Services department provided approval letters for the request, with the Fire Department requesting that the Master of Ceremonies describe the location of the fire exits at the beginning of the event.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen grant a one-day liquor license to the Duxbury Art Association and Rod Cameron (bartender) for the Annual Midsummer Arts and Crafts Show, to be held at the Ellison Center on Friay, July 22, 2005 from 6:30 to 9:30 PM.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).  

Ms. Sullivan asked that Ms. Brown provide a copy of Mr. Cameron’s liquor liability insurance to the Town Manager’s office.


No one was present to represent the applicant, so the matter was tabled.


Duxbury Harbormaster Donald Beers has requested a bonus shellfish season, due in part to the shell-fishing time lost to red tide restrictions (now lifted).  Mr. Martecchini made a motion to declare temporary Bonus Shellfish Seasons for the commercial harvesting of softshell clams, for the commercial harvesting of quahog clams, and for the recreational harvesting of soft-shelled clams for the month of July 2005; all subject to the regulations outlined in the Duxbury Harbormaster memorandum dated July 11, 2005.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).  


Mr. Martecchini made a motion to approve the minutes of June 13, June 20, and June 27, 2005.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).  


Mr. MacDonald noted five items:

1)      He is proposing a voice-mail system for Town Hall.  This will not have the effect of eliminating any positions, but is intended to improve customer service by reducing the number of busy signals, etc.

2)      The Health Agent, Ms. Jennifer Dalrymple, has obtained a grant to buy and install a defibrillator in Duxbury Town Hall.

3)      Construction permits for Duxbury were in the amount of $2.9 million dollars in June.

4)      A new practice of holding Fiscal Team Meetings has begun.  These meetings involve the Town Accountant, the Town Manager, the Town Treasurer, and the Deputy Assessor.

5)      The Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Agency (MIIA), has awarded the Town of Duxbury with $3,200 in credits toward our Workman’s Compensation plan, and $11,000 in credits toward our Property and Casualty Insurance Program.


Ms. Sullivan noted that the 2004 Annual Town Meeting approved the conveyance of a parcel on Mayflower Road to Mr. Paul Mahoney for back taxes, with the provision that the right-of-way to public lands be maintained.  

Mr. Martecchini made a motion to sign the quitclaim deed for parcel #162-952-011 in accordance with the previous Town Meeting vote.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).


Board of Appeals:  Mr. Martecchini made a motion to accept the resignation of Ms. Mary Jo Pierce as a regular member of the Board of Appeals, and to appoint Mr. Dennis Murphy to serve the remaining portion of her term, such term to expire on 6/30/06; and to appoint Ms. Mary Jo Pierce as an alternate to the Board of Appeals, such term to expire on 6/30/06.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Historical Commission:  Ms. Sullivan made a motion to re-appoint Mr. Norman Tucker to a three-year term on the Historical Commission.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Duxbury Bay Management Commission:  Ms. Sullivan made a motion to appoint Mr. William Bennett, Mr. Jon Nash, and Ms. Julie Waltz as members of the Duxbury Bay Management Commission, all for one-year terms to expire on 6/30/06.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to appoint Mr. Jack Kent, Mr. Don Gunster, and Ms. Kathy Gould as members of the Duxbury Bay Management Commission, all for two-year terms to expire on 6/30/07.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to appoint Mr. Shawn Dahlen, Mr. John Carnuccio, and Mr. Ned Lawson as members of the Duxbury Bay Management Commission, all for three-year terms to expire on 6/30/08.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Highway Safety Committee:  Ms. Sullivan made a motion to appoint Mr. Joseph Shea, Mr. Paul Brogna,  Mr. Jeff Lewis, and Mr. Roger Ladd (ex-officio) as members of the Highway Safety Committee, all for three-year terms to expire on 6/30/08.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Duxbury Cultural Council:  Ms. Sullivan made a motion to appoint Ms. Lynn Smith to the Duxbury Cultural Council, for a one-year term, to expire on 6/30/06; and to appoint Ms. Katherine Sturgis and Ms. Cary Johnson for three-year terms, to expire on 6/30/05.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Municipal Commission on Disabilities:  Ms. Sullivan made a motion to appoint Mr. Richard MacDonald as the Town’s Municpal Commission on Disabilities coordinator, to complete the unexpired term of Mr. Rocco Longo, whose term expires on 6/30/07.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Board of Health:  Ms. Sullivan made a motion to re-appoint Mr. John Day and Mr. Jerry Janousek as members of the Board of Health, for terms to expire on 6/30/08.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Cable TV Advisory Committee:  Ms. Sullivan made a motion to appoint Mr. Robert Fitzpatrick, Mr. Richard Miller, and Mr. Charles Vautrain (ex-officio) as members of the Cable TV Advisory Committee, all for three-year terms, to expire on 6/30/08.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).


Ms. Sullivan reported that Mr. Groux has been interviewing the Board of Selectmen and the Town Manager to develop a profile of a desirable candidate.  A search committee will be appointed at the next Board of Selectmen meeting.  Many people have expressed an interest in serving on this ad-hoc committee.  


Mr. Martecchini made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 PM.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).  

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Ripley