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2003-2-10 Board of Selectmen Minutes

BOARD OF SELECTMEN                                                               February 10, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.  Present were Selectmen Elizabeth Sullivan and Andre Martecchini and Town Manager Rocco Longo.  John Tuffy arrived at 9:15 pm.  Mrs. Sullivan acted as chair in Mr. Tuffy’s absence.

OPEN FORUM:  There was no one present for this portion of the meeting.

PIER ACCESS SHORELINE STUDY (PASS) UPDATE:  Bill TenHoor, John Hagerty and Shawn Dahlen of this committee gave a Powerpoint presentation outlining their accomplishments and status to date.  They also presented digitized maps showing color coded parcels that (1) currently have waterfront access structures, (2) those that could have them under current regulations, and (3) those that could not have such structures under the same regulations.  The entire shoreline has been photographed and digitized and they have gathered policies and information from 27 other shoreline towns.

The committee is hoping to propose regulations for future piers which will protect the public’s access to scenic views.  They are also working on design criteria for shared piers.  They plan to coordinate their efforts with the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Conservation Commission.

The members would like to continue their work at no cost to the town for another year.  They would like to present a report at the 2003 Annual Town Meeting but postpone making formal recommendations for bylaws until their work is complete.  They anticipate doing this at the 2004 Annual Town Meeting.  

The Board agreed that the committee should continue to work on this project.  No vote was required.

BAY MANAGEMENT STUDY COMMITTEE UPDATE:  Chairperson Margaret Kearney introduced fellow committee members Shawn Dahlen, Ned Lawson, John Carnuccio, Don Gunster, Joe Conway and Dick Whitney.

This group requests to have additional time and funding to complete their work.   Mrs. Kearney provided the board with a written outline of three phases necessary to create a management plan.  She also requested $21,000 funding for the coming year to pay for consulting work needed to complete Phase 1.  She provided a proposal from the Urban Harbors Institute outlining the services and costs involved.  

The board had previously agreed to recommend approval of $25,000 for this purpose (Article 33 on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant).  This will also require FinCom and Town Meeting approval.

Future expenses can be minimized with community involvement in such areas as water testing, as well as grant applications for additional research.  Christine Stickney, Town Planner, can assist in grant applications.

The board agreed that this work should continue.  No vote was required.

TOWN WEB PAGE PRESENTATION:  Marybeth MacQuarrie provided the board with a live presentation of the Town’s updated web site.  Marybeth oversees this site and works with the committee of employees who contribute to and maintain the department portions within.  She highlighted its various features, including the availability of many different schedules, meeting minutes, and tentative agendas.  

She also pointed out that forms frequently used by the public are becoming available for download, saving trips to Town Hall.  The beach and transfer station sticker application is just one such form that has been frequently accessed, but the building department, fire department and others provide this type of service to the public as well.  

The site provides general and specific information of all types.  For instance, the Board of Health site contains the most frequently-accessed information to date, Title 5 information.  The Fire Department provides information on burning permits and smoke detector requirements, among many other subjects.   

The site is constantly evolving, and because the committee members who are responsible for its content meet and share ideas regularly, each is helping to improve the others’ portions of the site.   This has been a true collaborative effort and Marybeth praised the employees involved for their efforts in making the site effective and easy to use.

UPDATES TO THE EMERGENCY PLAN FOR DUXBURY SCHOOLS, SHELTERS AND HARBOR BEACH PLANS:  Pixie Lampert and Chief Bill Harriman were present for this part of the meeting.  Mrs. Lampert provided a written recommendation of possible changes to the current implementing procedures (IP’s) for Duxbury.

She indicated that many of the changes can be handled without formal changes in the implementing procedures, and that the priority for changes are:  (1) schools; (2) Harbor/beach; (3) Shelters.

Mrs. Lampert recommended the selectmen NOT “sign off” on the present IP because changes are needed.  Some of the changes she referred to were discussed but no decisions were made.

Mr. Martecchini suggested that a regional approach to effecting change be considered and he thought it might be best to discuss these matters with other local selectmen.  If enough towns were in agreement a group would have more impact than an individual town.

Mr. Martecchini requested additional time to review the information.  He suggested the matter be reconsidered after the upcoming Annual Town Meeting.


Open and Close Special Town Warrant:  Andre Martecchini moved to open the Special Town Meeting Warrant for March 8, 2003 at 9:00am.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed 3-0.

The 4 articles were reviewed.  Mr. Martecchini moved to accept the Special Town Meeting Warrant, Articles 1-4, as described.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed 3-0.

John Tuffy requested that Nicholas Pagliarulo, author of Article 4, Citizen’s Petition for increasing the number of Selectmen from 3 to 5, be asked to attend the BOS meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2003 to discuss his proposed article.

Assignment of Articles:  The Annual Town Meeting list of articles was reviewed and each item was assigned to a selectman.  The list will be updated to indicate the member responsible for each article.

Town Manager Brief:  Mr. Longo reported a balance of $3,111 in the Snow and Ice Removal budget prior to the start of today’s snowstorm.  The balance would be depleted by tonight’s operations.

Town Counsel approved the Special Town Meeting warrant and is working on the Annual Town Meeting warrant.  It will go to the moderator as a courtesy, and then to the printer.

Mr. Longo informed the Board that he had received an RFP from a developer representing the Wompanaug Indians.  They are seeking parcels with highway frontage in excess of 150 acres, for possible development of casinos.  The town will not be responding to this RFP.

Minutes of February 4, 2003:  Betsy Sullivan moved to accept the minutes of February 4 as presented.  Andre Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

Move to Adjourn:  At 10:10 pm, Andre Martecchini moved to adjourn.  John Tuffy seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

Nancy Moody