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2003-5-12 Board of Selectmen MInutes
BOARD OF SELECTMEN                                                      May 12, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m.  Present were Chairman Elizabeth Sullivan, Selectman Andre Martecchini and Town Manager Rocco Longo.   John Tuffy was not present.

OPEN FORUM:  John Kelley, 20 Homestead Place, addressed the board regarding problems with residents parking on the side of the road overnight as well as on town-owned islands in cul-de-sacs.  Andre Martecchini asked Mr. Kelley if he would mind waiting until the Highway Safety Committee agenda item was addressed and his concerns could be discussed at that time.  Mr. Kelley was in agreement.

APPOINTMENT OF TOWN PATH COMMITTEE – DICK ROTHSCHILD:   Mr. Rothschild, Co-Chairman of the Open Space and Recreation Committee, appeared before the Board.  He reminded them that it had been one year since his initial meeting with the Board at which time he pointed out the need for a bike and walking path committee.   While he realizes there is no money in the current budget to complete any tasks, this would be a good time to begin the planning process.

Mr. Martecchini asked if the five potential members listed in a letter dated August 18, 2002 are still interested.  John Taft indicated that they still are.

Mrs. Sullivan apologized for the delay in appointing this committee and stated that the Board members are currently working to complete all appointments by the end of June.  John Tuffy is the liaison for this committee and he will be asked to contact potential appointees and address the membership.

FISCAL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE:  The purpose of this committee is to coordinate the efforts of the Town Manager, Finance Committee, Fiscal Advisory Committee, the Treasurer, Town Accountant, School Department, Assessor and Committee representatives.  Monthly meetings will be planned; subjects will include bonds, debt, revenue, health insurance, state and local budgets and others.  This will allow Mr. Longo to distribute information more efficiently to many departments and committees, as well as to allow  communication between everyone involved on a regular basis.  The public will be involved in this group; the first meeting will take place the week of June 16.

HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMITTEE:  The committee recommended no parking on the east side of Keene Street from Union Street to Temple Street.  Andre Martecchini moved to install “No Parking” signs in the areas on Keene Street from Union Street to Temple Street on the east side, and to add this area to Schedule D No Parking Areas.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

At the request of DPW Director Tom Daley, the Highway Safety Committee recommended no parking on Mayflower Street in the immediate vicinity of the Transfer Station to prevent those without stickers from parking outside and entering the station on foot.  Mr. Martecchini asked to postpone the vote until the next meeting.

At the request of a citizen, the Highway Safety Committee recommended a stop sign be installed at the intersection of Partridge Road westbound at South Station Street.  Andre Martecchini moved that, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 89, Section 9 of the General laws, the following street is designated as a stop street at the intersection and in the direction indicated:

Partridge Road, westbound at South Station Street, and the Traffic Rules and Orders are hereby amended.

Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

A resident of Massasoit Road had presented a problem regarding accessing his own driveway due to others parking on that road.  It is a narrow road to begin with.  There is a hydrant in the area of his home.  

Mrs. Sullivan moved to provide an extended fire lane from the hydrant side of Massasoit Road to extend from the hydrant sufficiently beyond this homeowner’s driveway as to ensure his safe entry and exit.  Mr. Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

John Kelley, Homestead Place, addressed the Board regarding an ongoing problem with neighbors who use the island and shoulder of the road to park their vehicles, often overnight.  He would like to have “no parking” signs erected to eliminate this problem.  All of the homes on the street have driveways so he feels there is no need for on-street parking.  Joe Shea of the Highway Safety Committee will put this on his committee’s agenda for June but will have to include the Zoning Board and the Planning Board in the resolution.
TOWN GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMITTEE DISCUSSION:  Mrs. Sullivan announced that the Attorney General disallowed the town meeting article increasing the Board of Selectmen from 3 to 5 members, and that it was possible that the petitioner, Nicholas Pagliarulo, who was present at this meeting, may revisit the subject.  She would like to take this time to review the structure of town government on a broader basis, not just the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Martecchini agreed; the article addressed only one facet of town government.   

It was agreed that the moderator should appoint the members of this committee and the Board of Selectmen would develop a charge.  The board will meet again and review the charge.

ANNOUNCEMENT – CONDUCTING PUBLIC MEETINGS VIDEO:  Mr. Longo announced that during the Board of Selectmen’s Meeting of May 19, this twelve-minute video, provided by Mass. Interlocal Insurance Association, will be shown to the Board and to committee chairpersons and interested members.  The purpose of this video is to acquaint chairpersons with recommended protocol; in turn, they will pass this information along to their members.  Once this is done, and attendance is verified, we can submit this for additional loss control credit on our liability insurance through MIIA.

The Zoning Board of Appeals, Conservation Commission and Planning Board have all adopted MIIA’s protocols and will qualify for appropriate credits.

MIIA’s Employment Practices Liability video has been shown to all department heads and this will also add to the credits the town will obtain from the Loss Control Credit Program.
TOWN MANAGER BRIEF:  Duxbury received $2,700 from the Federal All Hazards Emergency Operations Planning Grant plan.   This grant will be used to update the town’s Emergency Operations Plan with special emphasis on terrorism.

Mr. Longo announced that Carl Hillstrom has withdrawn his request for retirement from his position as Water Superintendent.

The town website has a new look.  The layout and color scheme have been updated and it is easier to use.

Mr. Longo reported on the police hearing involving Officer Scott Myers.  He received an opinion from Attorney Chuck Sabbatt that there is cause for punishment; however, Officer Myers’ personnel record was not part of the original hearing.  Another hearing is being scheduled for May 15 and his record will be included at that hearing.  After that hearing his discipline will be decided.  

DUXBURY BEACH RESERVATION APPLICATION:  The Duxbury Beach Reservation, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit charitable corporation organized under Chapter 180 of the General Laws,  submitted an application for the parking of 1400 cars at Duxbury Beach Park.  Andre Martecchini moved to approve the application for a license to provide parking facilities for approximately 1400 cars for the purpose of providing public recreational facilities at Duxbury Beach.  Fees shall remain at $5 per carload weekdays and $8 per carload on weekends.

Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

MINUTES:  Executive Session and Regular minutes of April 28 were postponed as Mr. Martecchini was not in attendance at the meeting, and Mr. Tuffy was not present tonight to vote.

May 2, 2003 minutes – Andre Martecchini moved to approve the minutes of May 2 as written.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS:  Selectmen are working on committee appointments but new talent bank applications are most welcome.  Mrs. Sullivan encouraged interested parties to submit forms as soon as possible.  

Andre Martecchini discussed the Community Development Committee, a newly-formed committee.  This group would consist of five citizens-at-large; two business representatives; one Housing Authority representative; a Community Preservation Committee member; a local property developer; a Selectman; a Planning Board member; a Zoning Board member, and the Planning Director and Director of Inspectional Services as ex-officio members.

Mr. Martecchini moved to appoint the following individuals as members of the Community Development Committee:

Members At Large                        Jane McNiff
                                        Mary McLean
                                        Charlie Rourke
                                        Lorrie Hall
                                        Maxine Armour
Business Rep #1                 John Stanton
Business Rep #2                 TBA
Housing Authority                       Linda Garrity
Community Preservation          Diane Bartlett          (CPC has not voted on this yet)
Developer                               TBA
Selectman                               Andre Martecchini
Planning Board Rep                      TBA
Zoning Board Rep                        Mark Moriarty
Ex-officio                              Christine Stickney, Planning
                                        Richard MacDonald, Inspectional Services

Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

The first meeting of this group will take place by the end of May.

SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES:  Mr. Longo noted that Joe Shea has resigned as Sealer of Weights and Measures.  This position has a $3,000 yearly stipend.  The town will advertise for a certified person and perhaps consider a jobsharing arrangement with the sealer in a nearby town.  This position involves checking and maintaining the accuracy of all scales and gas pumps.  Joe Shea brought this job to a higher standard, and took the initiative to obtain a grant to acquire a gasoline prover to guarantee the accuracy of all Duxbury’s gasoline pumps.

At 9:02 pm Andre Martecchini moved to adjourn.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

Nancy Moody