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2003-12-15 Board of Selectmen Minutes
BOARD OF SELECTMEN                                                      December 15, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m.   Present were Chairman Elizabeth Sullivan, Selectmen Andre Martecchini and John Tuffy, and Town Manager Rocco Longo.


There was no one present under Open Forum


At 7:35pm the Board of Selectmen entered into a public hearing to discuss proposed fee increases for the Town Clerk’s Office, the Cemetery Department, and the Harbormaster Department.  Present during this portion of the meeting were Town Clerk Nancy Oates, DPW Director Tom Daley, Cemetery Superintendent Joseph Ziobro,  Harbormaster Don Beers, Executive Assistant Dennis Pearse, several members of the Board of Cemetery Trustees, and Finance Committee members Frank Mangione and J.R. Kent.

TOWN CLERK FEES:  Mrs. Oates reviewed the proposed changes to the fees her department collects.  Most have been unchanged since 1986.  The majority of the fees will double (still small amounts, mostly in the $10 range).  The only sizeable increase would involve underground gas storage renewal which, presently $2.50, would increase to $100.  This is still considerably less than other towns, who charge as much as $250 for this fee.

Mr. Tuffy moved that the Board of Selectmen vote to support the fee increases for the Town Clerk’s office as presented by Nancy Oates, Town Clerk.  Andre Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0

CEMETERY FEES:  Mr. Daley and Mr. Ziobro appeared at this time.  They had prepared a presentation that included proposed rate increases as well as changes to Rules and Regulations.  The Board asked that only the rate increases be addressed during the public hearing.

Mr. Ziobro polled a number of towns to establish a basis of comparison for the current rates.  The proposed increased rates appear to be competitive to those towns surveyed.

The majority of the fees will be generated by the crematorium; however, expenses to reline the retorts and design fees for a new crematorium will reduce the net income from this service.  With the proposed increases, Mr. Daley expects a net income of approximately $97,000 for the coming fiscal year, after deducting the above-named expenses.  

Mrs. Sullivan suggested earmarking a percentage of fees collected to establish a stabilization fund which would be available for unexpected replacement or repair of equipment or buildings.  Mr. Tuffy would like to have the Finance Committee involved in the discussion and/or establishment of such a fund.

Unlike the crematory, which generates an income, the cemetery operates at a deficit.  Even with the suggested increases, this portion of the operation would be “in the red” by about $101,000.  The two operations together basically offset each other, preventing a profit-making venture.  Mr. Tuffy pointed out that providing cemetery plots is a voluntary service of the town, and that citizens should not be subsidizing the cost of running that part of the operation.

The Cemetery Trustees approve the requested rate increases and support more frequent reviews of fees.

John Tuffy moved that, effective January 1, 2004, the Board of Selectmen vote to support the fee increases for the Cemetery Department as presented by Tom Daley, DPW Director.  Mr. Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

HARBORMASTER FEES:  Harbormaster Don Beers and Executive Assistant Dennis Pearse provided the Board with exhibits showing existing fees and revenues, proposed fees and revenues, and the additional income generated if these changes are made.  They also proposed several new categories of fees.  In addition to this information, they submitted an exhibit of fees charged by other coastal towns.

Mooring fees would be increased at all locations.  Instead of just a processing fee, boat owners who moor on private tidal flats would be charged a per-foot fee.  Presently they pay a $6 processing fee.  This gives the Harbormaster a record of all boats moored in Duxbury, including those not at town landings, for purposes of identification and safety.  

J.R. Kent of the Finance Committee felt it would be difficult to sell this particular fee increase, since some of the boats are moored off a homeowner’s property, and all are located with the landowner’s permission.  He expressed his opinion that the processing fee should remain in place for these boats moored outside town landings.

Guest mooring fees were discussed next.  Mr. Beers suggested increasing them from $10 to $30 per night.  This is still a very reasonable cost. He and his staff spend a lot of time in the late afternoon/early evening summer hours trying to locate available moorings for out-of-towners.  

He also suggested charging $10 per night for boat owners who already have moorings outside the harbor, but want to anchor for the night so they can avoid low tide at their own mooring and be able to head out to sea in the morning.  This is presently extended as a courtesy.

Four new categories were proposed.  The Harbormaster is available to provide services to all boats in the harbor, not just  those on town-owned moorings.  He proposed a Marine User Fee be charged to owners of boats in private marinas, including boats stored on racks.  This fee could be based on the length of the boat.  Implementation issues would have to be worked out prior to approving this category.

Waiting Lists for Deep Water and Howlands Landing were proposed with a $5.00 annual renewal fee.  There is currently no charge for this list.  The Board suggested a one-time fee instead, with a free annual update to confirm interest.  Current list members would be grandfathered.  A new procedure would have to be posted publicly at the Harbormaster Shack as well as on the website.  

Special Event Details was the final new category discussed.  The Harbormaster’s staff has routinely provided free assistance for waterfront events, increasing salary costs.  Mr. Tuffy believes the service provided by the Harbormaster in these cases is similar to the Police at special events, and deserves compensation from the private parties requesting the service.  Mr. Beers suggested an hourly rate of $16.00 per employee, the rate of his highest-paid assistant.  

SHELLFISH PERMITS:  Rates for recreational permits would increase except for seniors; all categories of commercial shellfishing permits would increase, and the rate for aquaculture grants would double (which would still be HALF the maximum allowable under the law).

ITEMS IN DEBATE:  The Board is not ready to take action on Item D., Tidal Flat Rates, Item M, Marine Users Fees, or Items N and O, Mooring Waiting Lists.

They requested these matters be continued to January 12, 2004 at 7:35 pm.

MOTION:  Mr. Tuffy moved that the Board of Selectmen vote to increase the fees for the Harbormaster’s Department as presented by Don Beers, Harbormaster as outlined in his memo of December 9, 2003, except those items listed under  “Items In Debate”  above, and that the public hearing would be continued until Uanuary 12, 2004 at 7:35pm to further discuss these outstanding items..  Mr. Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0, and the remaining items will be continued as noted.

The public hearing on fee increases concluded.


Mr. Longo presented the Board of Selectmen with a balanced budget for FY05.  This budget has not yet been reviewed by the Department Heads which will happen at tomorrow’s staff meeting.  He cut 4.5% from the FY04 budget to accomplish this.

The Town Manager reviewed each revenue category including the Tax Levy, State Aid, Local Receipts and available funds.  The Town Manager then reviewed the expenses that were cut across the board.  A copy of the Draft budget was presented to the Selectmen.

Local receipts show an 11% decrease, mainly due to less investment income.  

The 4.5% cut will result in some employees working fewer hours, and capital requests will be slashed.  Mr. Longo will be attending the Finance Committee meeting on December 17, 2003, to discuss this budget.


Mr. Longo presented the budget this evening in lieu of a manager’s report.


The warrant for the annual town meeting is scheduled to close tonight, Monday, December 15, 2003, which is 90 days prior to the Annual Town Meeting.  State law says it must close no later than 75 days prior which would be December 30, 2003.  Tonight’s meeting is the last regularly scheduled meeting before the end of the year so it will be closed, but it was noted that the warrant can be reopened prior to December 30 if needed.

State Representatives Daniel Webster and Thomas O’Brien are following the progress of the current lawsuit filed by  Cambridge and East Boston.  If that lawsuit is favorable to the plaintiffs, ours may go forward.  For that reason, Mr. Martecchini suggested the warrant should include a non-binding resolution to return the town to its prior status of having a single state representative.  A non-binding resolution within this warrant would not require an indefinite postponement if there is not enough time to complete the necessary actions prior to the ATM.  This will be added to the warrant as Article 43, with all subsequent articles being renumbered.

Mr. Tuffy inquired about the status of the Community Preservation Committee’s affordable housing project on the Delano land; specifically, if any action had been taken to pursue a group home on that land.  The Housing Authority is meeting this week and we will have more information after they meet.

He asked if the CPC was going to be purchasing the O’Neil Dairy Farm on Winter Street.  Mr. Martecchini replied that he had heard the CPC may request a Special Town Meeting in June.  The Community Preservation Committee has sole authority to bring their projects to Town Meeting.  We will wait for more information from them.

Mrs. Sullivan reviewed the list of Warrant Articles for the Board and the audience.  

Mr. Tuffy moved to open the warrant for the 2004 Annual Town Meeting.  Mr. Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.  Mrs. Sullivan reminded everyone that the warrant could be reopened prior to December 30 if necessary.

Mr. Tuffy moved to accept the 46 articles as presented.  Mr. Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

Mr. Tuffy moved to close the warrant.  Mr. Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

Mr. Longo asked the board to hold a special meeting if the need arises between now and December 30 and they agreed.


Mr. Martecchini moved to accept the minutes of December 8, 2003 as written.  He further moved to accept the minutes of the Executive Session of December 8, 2003 as written to be released upon completion of business.  Mr. Tuffy seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.



Mrs. Sullivan moved to go into Executive Session in accordance with Mass. General Laws Chapter 39, Section 23B, Subsection 1 to discuss recommendations from the King Caesar Advisory Committee which are of a confidential nature – as they relate to the King Caesar Poor and Hospital fund which purpose is to provide medical relief for the poor and elderly citizens of Duxbury.  There was a roll call vote taken.  Mr. Martecchini “aye”, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”.

At 10.50 p.m. Mrs. Sullivan moved to adjourn the Executive Session and reconvene in Open Session in accordance with Mass. General Laws Chapter 39, Section 23B, Subsection 1.  There was another roll call vote taken.  Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mr. Martecchini “aye”, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”.

Mrs. Sullivan moved to adjourn at 10:50.  Mr. Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

Nancy Moody